Lucky Girl

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(I will start doing it more randomly because it's starting to get harder to make the half's so I will still do them when I feel like I can but if not no more)

As everyone is at a local museum of witchcraft and as you and Ben were both messing with some tribal masks Gwen was annoying one of the tour guides by saying everything, she was saying but faster and better but that could just be biased since you like her.

And after seeing how sad Gwen about what the tour guide had told you both of you then made jokes about how old she must have been which made her feel a bit better as she then continued on smiling and after a bit you whispered in her how you would not mind having her as a private tour guide which made her blush a little bit more.

Then all of a sudden everyone begins to float, and you can hear Max make a comment about how this was not part of the tour then you all saw a red mist start to pour into the building and then a man appears wearing red and black robes carrying the typical stuff a sorcerer would normally wear he then goes over to the book you all heard about and then says a spell and opens it and takes the book after saying an incantation.

And when he does that you and Ben try and attack him, but he then stops whatever spell he cast that made everyone lose their gravity and as that happens Ben goes on to save everyone while you try and go after the wizard guy and stop him from continuing on with whatever plans he has for the book.

As Ben takes care of the civilians and his family you try your luck on taking care of or more realistically just buying some time for Ben the big skull looking magic man that appeared before all of you and as you dodge all the magic attacks you could there was still not much you could do as a normal-Ish human against a man that could do anything he pleased with magic.

And the second you saw Ben come in the next thing you saw was the inside of the rust bucket while resting on Gwen's lap while hearing her and Ben most likely having their usual banter between each other and as you get up you hear them talking about being a hero or not.

And when Max says he noticed Gwen being a hero you said so to which made her a bit more mad as she pointed out you where frozen and could not even say what she did that was heroic in the first place to which you said you where sorry and then Ben gave her his newest souvenir to make her happy which it did and she said thanks from the nudging of Max.

As everyone gets to the restaurant you tell them to have fun since it was a planned trip for all of them and you don't want to add anymore than you already had to the total cost Max had to pay for everything so as they all left looking a bit sad you then went on doing some light training and learning more about the magic that was cast as well as more about Ben's aliens so that he could use them better.

Later on after you heard all about what happened to Ben at the restaurant you laughed with them even harder while walking through a street market and as they are all having a good time Gwen then leaves to get everyone a hot dog but while that happens a purse snatcher comes and takes a womans purse  and as he runs and tries to get something from Gwen as well you then push her out of the which causes a series of events (because if you think I'm writing all of that your crazy) to stop the robber and when all is said and done someone calls her a hero which she says she was just lucky.

Later on, you are watching Gwen making baskets at a nearby basketball court while you are acting like her personal cheerleader when Ben then comes out of the rust bucket and sees both of you there and she then shows off her amazing b-ball skills thanks to the amulet that she has other than the one you gave her.

And after Ben tires and fails to recreate Gwen's trick shots Max comes out and offers everyone some breakfast right before an accident occurs at a nearby Constuction site to which you just watched this cousin rival of who will get to be the hero first while you sat back and just watched the whole thing go down and then later helped Ben get out without others seeing him while waiting for him to turn back as Gwen soaked up her fame.

And after losing the reporters Gwen is researching everything she could on her laptop about the symbol on the amulet and everything that it could mean you help her a little bit with telling her some of the information you had gotten earlier and some of the web sites but not a whole lot since you have no interest in magic even more so after what happened at the museum since it can and almost always is a pain to deal with.

And after doing all of the research it eventually leads to Max saying that they should take it back to the museum with both Ben and Gwen saying no as they both had their own reasons to want to keep it for themselves the argument then gets cut of as a news report talks about how a haunted house has come to life and had trapped the people inside which you just sighed as you knew it had to do with magic and that you were going to go as well.

And as you all get inside the haunted house you somehow fall and get sent right outside in an area that is without question a graveyard with no way back in you then start to complain about magic while trying to find one but then give up and start planning on what you can do to fight him at a better playing field.

And after a while the magic guy comes out while chasing Gwen to which you try and get a rematch against him, but you do nothing more act like an annoying fly as he then hit you and you get sent flying off somewhere else and as you run back to where they were you start to see lighting and a vortex which means nothing good so you go faster to catch up to them.

And when you finally do Four arms is there fighting some stone statues while you go and free Gwen from her tree prison and when you finish you see Ben knocked the guy out, but the world was still in trouble to which Gwen just calmly got a shovel and destroyed all of the glowing symbols and everything ended with everything going back to normal except Gwen feels more like a hero and your feelings of magic worsen.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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