Game Over

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Gwen: "Ugh I'm so bored even your stupid video game sounds good let me play."

Ben: "Sorry already got a partner right Y/n."

Y/n: "That's right and we are almost done with this level."

Charmcaster and Gwen then look at each other before they both then look at you and Ben.

Gwen: "How about you let us play or are you afraid to admit that were better than you."

When she said that you could see sparks coming from both Ben and Gwen, so you did the only right course of action and just left you grabbed Sibella and placed her where she felt most comfortable in your shirt as you tried to leave.

But they would not let you leave as Ben hold onto you as she just begrudgingly gave Gwen and Charmcaster two controllers and forced you to watch with her in seeing both of them finish the level like you two just did.

Gwen & Charmcaster: "Oh yea! High score for the better warriors [They both then pose by leaning on each other's backs while holding the controllers like they were guns.]"

Ben: "Beginners luck now watch some real Summo slammer samurai."

You and Ben then run into Kenko, the Shapeshifter and after you both get destroyed by him Charmcaster and Gwen make fun of both of you for it but you all get quite when Max yells at all you to be quite so he can sleep.

You all then see Ben turn into Upgrade as he then merges with the computer and changes the score rankings so that she was first you were second and both Gwen and Charmcaster had nothing.

Gwen: "Ben Tennyson you are such a cheater you're going to get yours one of these days."

Gwen and Charmcaster then try to force Ben out of the portable gaming system you were all using as you were trying to calm down Sibella because all the racket woke her up annoyed and as you tripped in the RV the next thing you knew you were face planting some dirt.

Y/n: "[Spits out dirt] Okay Ben what did you do and where the heck are we."

You then saw Gwen and Charmcaster load in dressed like warriors from the game and if you were to be totally honest with yourself you were even more charmed to see them like this than before.

Gwen: "That lighting zap must have hit Upgrade and that's how we must have wound up in the game."

Ben: "Were inside Sumo Slammer Smackdown [Lays down] Cool."

Charmcaster: "Not for long look [Points towards the ship that is most likely about to spawn Robo Sumos.]"

Upgrade: "Robo Sumo's that is sooo level 1"

As the Robo Sumo's drop Ben just starts going to town on them as upgrade while Gwen uses her martial arts knowledge to beat them down while Charmcaster is summoning her own legion to take care of them while you turn in Cerberus and start going at them on your own.

You jump on top of one of the commanders? As you push your claws into it and begin to rip and melt everything inside before you then throw it towards the others with a Firey howl that melts all the others that it hit.

Updrage: "This isn't a challenge it's a slaughter fest."

Charmcaster: "Oh yea real tough when you can control the whole world as upgrade."

Upgrade: "Jealous."

Upgrade then grabs one of the Robo Sumo's and turns it into a giant laser as he begins mowing everything down everything in sight and when he was done, he let go of it after destroying it's insides and gaining him a lot of points.

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