Basic Training

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As Y/n is eating space pavement because of a bet he made with Ben that resulted in the leading officer giving him even more weight on his back Y/n wonders just why the heck he even went along with this Plumber training crash course when he was perfectly fine helping them out as he was before.

Just then Ben, Gwen, and Kevin start making laps around Y/n as he struggled to grab one of their legs and pull them down with him since what right is it of theirs to leave their friend suffering own the ground without at least getting a taste of what he has to deal with.

To fully understand how this had happened we must go back about six hours to when Ben and the gang were about to leave for a Plumber's academy training camp so that they could all prove themselves to be worthy of having a Plumber's badge but also to be called Plumbers and use everything that comes with it.

As Ben and Gwen were getting ready to get their space training on they began to wonder just where the heck Kevin went to? Seeing as how he was the reason they were going in the fist place after he refused to give up his Plumbers badge as it was apparently a keepsake of his real fathers and he refused to let the thing go no matter what until the master sergeant guy took it from him.

Just then Kevin's car came pulling up with Kevin doing a single donut as Y/n fell out of the car and rolled right in front of everyone as Kevin then stopped and got of his car and picked Y/n up and dragged him with them into the ship to go along with their training. 

Ben & Gwen: "Um... why's Kevin brining you along?"

Y/n: "(Dangling off Kevin's shoulder having already accepted him fate) I made a bet with him long ago and now I'm forced to take part in it."

Gwen: "Oh yea, and what's that bet?"

Y/n: "If and when he ever got a proper job then I'd take the test with him in exchange-"

But before Y/n could continue talking he got thrown into the spacecraft by Kevin as the two began having some words with one another as Ben and Gwen got even more suspicious and would try and figure it out once they got back from training.

Either way the group went of to the Plumbers academy to finally get registered with the Plumbers and have the full rights to beat up any and all aliens so long as they find them doing something illegal along with getting paid to do so.

As this all went down Sibella and Y/n's twin siblings cried out for him as they had just seen a mysterious man in long hair and dressed in all black kidnap their big brother and then drive off like he just stole a billion dollars.

When everyone finally got to the Plumber satellite training academy that looked somewhat similar to something Ben had said he broke before, the men and the woman were told where they needed to go and get changed along with an ECO shower.

Kevin: "What the heck's and ECO shower?"

Master Sargent Plumber: "Its to wash off everything on you that may harm other cadets during your stay here along with giving you a gel coating that allows you to make contact with your fellow Plumbers without having to worry about harem them in the process. Don't worry this is all standard procedure that all cadets must take when they start training as it allows them to trust their teammates without having to worry about harming them first."

Kevin and Y/n went to the left as Ben and Gwen went to the right and started getting themselves clean as their clothes disappeared as a tiny pressure cooking looking robot took them and disappeared and unless the wanted to walk out naked their was no turning back for them now.

Once clean and gelled up the both sides meet up again with standard Plumber armor which Y/n immediately broke as it felt to stuffy for him to wear and no matter how many sets they got him he'd always break in about an hour since his body really did need room to breath so he could shift and everything.

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