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Almost every kid and probably the same can be said for everyman that they all love seeing giant robots fight and better yet giant robots that are both friendly and willing to help them out with whatever they might need help in... or just destroying as that's also something epic and amazing to see.

The same can be somewhat said for Y/n as he now has a giant Bat-Bot which is just Sibella in her new and improved suit of armor that he had made for her, because while he does want nothing more from her than her just being safe and able to be herself.

He also mainly wishes for her to not be so happy and ready to destroy/decimate others should they even give off a glance towards him that Sibella feels is wrong or hurtful in anyway as it has happened way to many times to for him to count at this point in time and he honestly doesn't think the number will go down any time soon.

His main hope with the new mech armor is that it could potentially be used to limit the powers of... lets just say more harmful aliens towards weaker or aliens with bad affinities to them while also using said power to further fuel it's protection abilities.

With suits like these than maybe Plumbers can be allowed to have even the most dangerous of aliens be allowed into their ranks further growing the vast number of Plumbers and maybe helping advance them even further than any of the other crime fighting groups around the universe.

Now don't get it mistaken Y/n still has Ben's old Galactic hero's costume when he briefly joined up with the group and everything but like there was only three of them and from his brief visit to the future it honestly didn't really look like their was any more members joining their ranks.

Heck who can really blame them with their giant amount of rules and regulation handbooks, flashy outfits, and it couldn't have been any good PR for them to get their butts handed to them and have their powers get taken by Vilgax when they lost to him.

But whether they have new or more members doesn't really all that much to Y/n because at the moment he's trying his best to get a suit or armor that is known to power the user up by leaps and bounds but also make them angrier than Rath at pretty much any given day of the week.

Now with Sibella being in that suit of armor... aww to heck with it! The freaking second that crazy bat got in she must have into overdrive or something as the very second she got into it and it turned on she immediately went psycho crazy and started destroying everything around her with a dementated laugh like she was loosing what little rationality had still remained.

And while Y/n couldn't really see Sibella's eyes he didn't really need to as he already knew that they were either very small or pretty much clouded with the crazy, chaotic, and destructive thoughts she had about whatever passed her mind at that time.

The only thing that Y/n can be thankful for is the fact that he someone managed to get her to stop using the suit until he let her again and that before he was able to do that he managed to convince her to not go anywhere beyond his little training area.

Like seriously only Professor Paradox could probably understand just what sort of mess Sibella would have tried and might have succeeded in doing should he have had let her out and about to do as she pleased before he could hopefully fix the problem.

Now with Sibella being inside the suit Y/n did get some really good data and everything from it like how instead of the nano-mech armor looking full on like a galvanicmecamorph and looked like what would happen if you took her giant fire bat form and added mechanical parts to it.

Of course their were also some parts that were more human like since it was a mecha suit that she was wearing as that's the only thing he had and was something that Ben had given him when they were younger as a "just in case" sort of thing for what he has no idea but after long last he finally got the thing to work without any real affects.

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