It's Hero Time Part 2

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As Y/n drove towards the the location that he and Gwen agreed on he found that no one was there, getting of his bike he started to walk around the place while Sibella flew around the area to see if she could spot anything that Y/n couldn't.

While searching Y/n got a text from Ben on his cell, another location to meet them at and having come this far he thought why not so he whistled to call Sibella back and once she was back safely back inside his hoodie he got on his bike and took off.

While driving Y/n came across a broken down truck so being the nice guy he was Y/n started to slow down until he completely stopped and started asking the people there if they needed any help or not.

Trucker 1: "Welp that's mighty kind of you and I apricate the help. But it don't look like you know your way around a truck."

Y/n: "(Chuckles) Well I hear all the time how I got that magic touch when it comes to machines. So lets see what the problem is (Walks towards the hood of the Truck)."

Trucker 2: "(Steps out and talks in deep voice) Thank you young man and I do believe that with your help (Hood opens) This won't take a minute."

The second the hood pops open a weird tentacle creature jumped onto his face completely covering Y/ns head in the process of doing whatever it was doing and as Y/n struggled to take it off he made his way towards the back of the Truck all while the Truckers just watched.

Trucker 2: "(Deep voice sounding very serious) It should be over by now go bring our new friend over."

Trucker 1 starts walking towards the back of the truck carrying a socket wrench with him that he used to lure in prey like Y/n and as the Truckers see their peer walk out of sight they see him for some reason getting launched across the road.

The Truckers then began running towards the back of the truck only to see that their prey was not only okay but was instead stepping on the face hugging monster that thankfully didn't try to make Y/n take in any unwanted DNA.

Trucker 2: "What happened."

Y/n: "(Kicks squid thing at them) I'm guessing there was too much of me for it to handle. And since none of you tried to help I'm guessing your part of it."

Without saying it Trucker 2 swung his fist at Y/n and as the punch hit his face not only was he shocked but Y/n is as well because even though Y/n learned to control his shifting ability to such a point that he could make the area he got hit into crystal.

The Trucker who punched him was perfectly fine and was getting ready to punch again after probably wondering why Y/n didn't get hurt and as Trucker 2 was punching Y/n he suddenly felt pain in the back of his head causing him to fall.

While on the ground he looked over and saw that Trucker one had managed to come back and hit him with his socket wrench as the deep voiced Trucker and the silent Trucker who was now carrying a chain started approaching Y/n.

Once they got close enough to surround Y/n Sibella came in screeching surprising the Truckers before Y/n attacks them by jump kicking one of them as he got back onto his feet while also swinging his fist at Trucker 1 because he was the one who hit him first.

Y/n then looked around and saw that when he jumped up he managed to knock the face of Trucker 3 with a now tentacle looking creature appearing in his place instead and doing so seemed to anger the other truckers immensely as they all started attacking him together or not they just wanted to knock Y/n down.

Trucker 1? manages to knock Y/n down and was pushing his socket wrench as hard as it could on his throat while Trucker 2 & 3 were distracted trying their best to knock Sibella out of the sky since she was screeching too much and because she was spitting actual fire at them.

Trucker 1?: "You just had to be here, (pushing onto socket wrench) If you didn't here on your stupid bike this would have never happened now just shut up and be quite."

Y/n?: "(Behind Trucker 1?) Can't do that I'm afraid."

Trucker 1?: "Huh?"

After saying that Y/ns duplicate kicked Trucker 1? off of the other Y/n while also helping himself up and once both of them were standing side by side Sibella flew away since her job was done for now at least.

There were now one Trucker for both Y/ns and after both Y/ns look at each other and nod their heads they run off towards the Truckers who were getting ready to fight the ones rushing at them only to get surprised as at the last moment the Y/ns switched sides with one rolling over the others back.

Trucker 2 started throwing punches at his Y/n as the one fighting it smiled rushed at him and picked him up before spinning the poor man around like they were a top or something and after a few minutes of that Y/n stopped and slammed the poor man on the ground as hard as he could (in his normal form at least).

While fighting the third Trucker the man manages to wrap his chain around this Y/ns arm and tries his hardest to pull the man closer but what happens instead is Y/n not moving an inch before he pulls the chain causing the Trucker to fall before he melts it off his arm.

Now knowing what to do now the third Trucker grabs the first Truckers socket wrench and holds it up like a sword only to get knocked out by the second Y/n grabbing it's head and shoving it onto the ground.

With all that taken care of the duplicate Y/n turns back into his bike while the other Y/n makes a plumber communicator and reports what happened once that was all done he brought all three Truckers together, chained them up, and welded them all together before throwing them in their truck and after that he made sure they couldn't get out.

Once all that was finished he called for Sibella and made his way towards where he agreed to meet Ben and as he was driving there he got a call from some unknown number which after answering turned out to be Kevin.

Basically from what Kevin said was that he, Ben, and Gwen all started a war against an alien race by them destroying one of their ships, Ben wearing the Omnitrix again, and that the reason he was telling him all of that was because both Ben and Gwen were arguing over who got to call and that he was late in meeting them twice.

Y/n: "(Phone call ends) (sigh) Here we go again (Closes his visor before ridding of into the night)."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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