Save the Last Dance

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Today was supposed to be a normal day with Y/n being bored out of his mind ever since Sibella left and to make matters even worse apparently Gwen has a prom at her school and as much as he would have loved to go she instead decided to go with Kevin instead.

Which lead to a little mishap between Kevin and Y/n that may or may not have lead to the creation of two rumored monsters alongside the destruction of an a few buildings but with no witnesses and neither of the two planning on saying anything anytime soon the mystery shall remain.

But hypothetically if that did happen it would have stopped thanks to Gwen and Ben coming to the rescue by way of Y/n hearing through their answering machine that Gwen asked Kevin to the dance a few weeks ago when he was busy tracking some alien fugitives for a week.

The two just give each other a fist bump as they go their separate ways while the place they were at mysteriously starts falling to pieces until it all comes falling down while both teens are driving off in their preferred modes of travel. 

While on his way home he spotted Big Chill flying through the sky and thinking nothing of it he continued to head on home that was until the big blue moth man started diving towards Y/n and then began dragging him through the air as if he was their next meal.

Y/n: "Okay I know sometimes things get weird between us but that doesn't mean you can kidnap me just because we haven't meet in awhile."

But Ben doesn't say anything and instead proceeds to give Y/n whiplash as she suddenly dives down mid flight while also letting Y/n go causing him to roll like a ball straight into a nearby wall and while he isn't hurt outside his insides are another story as he starts puking everything he had just eaten that day and maybe yesterday as well.

And once he finished before he could even catch his breath Big Chill picked him up once again and started carrying him up and away to who knows where with the only thought in Y/ns mind that it would hopefully be softer and easier on the landing for him.

Sadly though neither of those hopes came to pass as Big Chill through him on top of Kevin's car drive by style before flying off to who knows where while Y/n sat there in a dented roof of a friends car who once they find out would probably be plotting one of their murders as Y/n slowly heals a broken back.

Not wanting to have deal with Kevin twice in one night Y/n rolls of the hood of his car and just never stops with him hearing in the distance a disturbed man crying tears for his car while the guilty parties are no where to be seen.

Thankfully Julie somehow comes by Y/n and offers him a ride home on her scooter with him having healed just enough to where he could get on her scooter before turning into a floppy bag of potatoes with the only thing making sure he doesn't fall off was the fact Julie placed her bag over both of them basically smushing the two together which for some reason she didn't seem to mind.

Julie: "So what happened?"

Y/n: "(Lifts head onto her shoulder) I don't know Ben's acting a little weird and slammed me into a wall and a car before flying off to who knows where."

Julie: "(Somewhat ominously) Did you get yourself a new girl without saying anything."

Y/n: "(Totally unaware) No all the girls I have you've already seen or at least know about."

Julie: "Want me to look into it?"

Y/n: "I couldn't ask you to do that what with your tennis match and all coming up."

Julie: "(Smiles a bit without Y/n seeing) I'm more than happy to she's my friend as well."

Y/n: "(Surprised) You two are friends? When did that happen?"

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