Tough Luck

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Like most days where you have no hero work to do you are spending time with Gwen as she looks through the internet for magic and you could tell she missed being a hero as well from what she was looking a bit sad at her cat mask while she said.

Gwen: "Luky Girl, I wish you were more than another Halloween costume"

After saying that Ben then comes in complaining about being a hero and that sometimes it gets way old as you and Max then tell him that it's good for him to be a hero and that people need him with him just saying that he would like just a normal summer day which you aren't a fan of since this doing this was more fun than anything else you could be doing.

He then proceeds to dis Gwen about how she did nothing all day which set her off as you tried to calm her down a bit as she said.

Gwen: "You, should appreciate what you have I only got to be lucky girl for a few hours."

Before Ben then retorted how she bragged to much about it as Gwen then through a pillow at Ben and when it hit his face you saw her do a victory pose which you found adorably cute which made her a bit embarrassed when she noticed you saw her act that way.

Ben: "The worst part of all was when all those grannies wanted me to go with them to Lamo magic convention in Las Vegas, as if."

After Ben said that you saw Gwen perk up and begin to beg Max to drive to Las Vegas to which you helped a bit and used the powers of upgrade to tell the Rust Bucket to drive to Las Vegas as Ben then hit you for doing so and Max told you not to do so before he continued driving towards it as Gwen hugged you while saying.

Gwen: "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."

Before she then kissed you on the cheek as you then became a bright red bumbling mess as you could not do anything but mumble before Ben then slapped you back to your senses calling you a weirdo for acting like that as you then composed yourself a bit as you continued towards Las Vegas.

When you all got there, you saw that it was not that grand of a place you think Gwen was expecting as you passed by a few stands and a group of kids playing a card game you knew this wasn't much of anything exiting.

When you all got there, you saw that it was not that grand of a place you think Gwen was expecting as you passed by a few stands and a group of kids playing a card game you knew this wasn't much of anything exiting

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