The Perfect Girlfriend

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What makes a perfect girlfriend? Or boyfriend for that matter... is it someone who's willing to stay by their partners side no matter what? Is it someone who's able to help them with their work, hobbies, or whatever might be bugging them? Or is it just someone who's a great partner to be with in bed and have around healing them from all sorts of fatigue they may have had build up throughout the day.

Well its actually none of them and all of them as each and every partner you may have has something that they other didn't that changes things for the better or for the worse like how Yy has for all his girls and everything they have and can do makes things different every time he hangs out with them.

However the girl that was standing before him changing shape and form after attacking him wouldn't be something he could consider a perfect girlfriend let alone girl as it shifts forms to get the best of everything from all the girls in his life.

The girlbot gains the eyes of Gwen, body of Eunice, Ben's clothing style, face of Julie, hair of Frightwig but in a more normal form like Gwen's but black instead, and from the way she acted and moved about had the personality of Sibella and moves of Helen.

But that something he'd find out later as for the moment Yy was trying to figure out why this whirlwind of metal that had just attacked him had become an amalgamation of every girlfriend he currently has.

Girlbot: "Hello I am AVA and I was sent to be the perfect girlfriend for the strongest man on this planet."

Y/n: "Well hello Ava and while I am somewhat pleased about being called the strongest man, I don't really need any more girlfriends let alone one that I don't know anything about."

Y/n then tries to leave the room but the AVA doesn't let him as she appears in front of him blocking his way out no matter what he tired, through the door, windows, walls, roof, heck she even somehow made her way underground when he tried breaking through the floor of his secret base.

Either way it was a massive pain as AVA started creating board games, things that could be considered food by either Grandpa Max or an alien that lives off photosynthesis as Y/n could see and hear what was meant to be food asking, nay begging for death!

To make matters even worse was that she first of all had to destroy parts of the base to even cook as he didn't have a kitchen, second thing was the fact that AVA didn't let Y/n do anything else as she somehow cuffed him to a table and chair as she forcibly (and quite painfully) shoved her toxic waste of food into his mouth with each drop feeling like someone pouring acid down his throat.

Once AVA finished pouring the entire contents of a soup pot mainly used for restaurants she Y/n felt he was no longer restrained into the chair and was then dragged by AVA into a bathroom that she must have destroyed and rebuilt whilst Y/n consciousness was fading as she forced her "soup" down his throat.

Looking around Y/n had to admit it was a nice looking bathroom at the very least as it was big enough for everything to fit without it being too cramped or feeling like it was along with it overall looking nice in general.

Now what made it weird was the fact that the bottle of shampoo, conditioner and all that other stuff Y/n usually uses is inside the bathroom, what makes it weird is the fact that it's full of the actual product that that the bottles came in rather than Y/n filling it up with whatever he felt like as he liked the bottles and the company went bankrupt when he was 11 years old.

After awhile Y/n notices that the place looked an awful lot like his old family home that he nor anyone has seen in years as Ben and Y/n had accidentally destroyed it when they were fighting against some bad guys one time after school... now that Y/n thinks about it was also around that time that his parents started to change for the better.

When Y/n steps out of the bathroom he notices that his clothes were bigger versions of his older clothes and when he looked around he noticed that his secret base now became his childhood home down to the finest of details. Like when Ben and Y/n one time fought and broke a bit of the wall in his room allowing Y/n to forever hear bits of his parents room... now weather or not that was a good thing would depend entirely on his parents or not, especially if they were finally able to go home.

Y/n: "What the-"

AVA: "(Sounding a bit distorted and nightmarish fusion of voices) Don't worry dear because I'm going to be here with you forever and ever forever and ever forever and ever forever and ever forever and ever forever and ever forever and ever-"

Ava just continues repeating herself as she begins to leak something along with going crazy, which is when Y/n makes his way out of there... or at least that's what he'd have like to do but looking at what he assumed to be tears from the creatures eyes made Y/n feel a bit bad for it.

So Y/n walked towards the poor creature and hugged it after he bit his thumb hard enough for blood to come out of it as his little blood red goops start marching their way out of him and onto/into AVA which causes her to short circuit even more before taking off like a rocket or a team with the same name.

Before she did however Y/n could have sworn the thing had tears in its eyes... but then again they were pitch black like what was coming from her nose, ears, mouth, and basically everything so who can really say what the heck was going on with that thing.

But what Y/n knew for fact was he was finally free to leave his base and while it's not really a secret anymore it was still nice to see something he once called home and had many memories with even if they weren't the same place.

When Y/n made his way home he was met with Sibella hugging his face like she was a face hugger as Ruby his little sister and Rory her twin brother both hugged onto his legs and wouldn't let go even when he sat down on the couch.

The reason for that is while Y/n thought just minutes had passed it had actually been a few weeks since then which was very odd since thanks to clockwork DNA, Y/n should have a better since of time than most people even himself sometimes as he only needed to think and he'd know the correct time.

Even crazier was the fact that the same thing happened with Kevin and he didn't last nearly as long as Y/n as when he spotted the thing it tried to form but Kevin just smashed it once he saw it make a fusion of Charmcaster and someone else as for whatever reason Kevin refused to say who else it looked like.

Y/n on the hand began feeling a something... evil? As he talked about his experience and while he didn't know what was going on he could tell from the look on Kevin's face and the look of Gwen and Ben's face that whatever was going to happen next he probably wouldn't like it along with him somehow being in the wrong for whatever it was he did to piss them off.

And that is all for now now... here's the deal I think AVA returning would be interesting and any girl from any other form of fiction can be added as that's what she'd take the form of so I'd love some ideas. But until then hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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