Washington B.C./5

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And as the duo entered, they saw you awake but could tell you were still in a bit of mild pain you could see both of them feel both relieved and sad at the fact that somehow Dr.animo had caused you intense pain when you all where in the museum as he was turning the prehistoric animals. back into living beings that would do as he had commanded them to do and after a brief moment of awkward silence from everyone in the room Ben said.

Ben: "Dude mind telling us what happened with you and Dr.wack job"

Y/n: "Well I would tell you if I knew guys, but I honestly have no clue on what had happened to me or why I felt that much pain."

Its true you did have no idea why that happened to you but you also had a hunch it had come from the new mark that was now a part of your arm but until you knew more about it you would just keep any and all info you think is relevant to it to yourself and your pda.

Y/n: "So can any of you guys tell me what happened when I got knocked out."

As Ben was about to tell the tale of his heroic exploit Gwen interrupted him to tell what really happened without ben trying to make himself seem more honorable and heroic then he actually was.

Gwen: "So what happened was after you passed out Grandpa Max came rushing over to trying to find out why you had screamed in pain like you did enough to pass out and all the meanwhile Ben was flaunting his strength while taking out that mammoth Dr.animo brought back. While me and Grandpa Max where chasing after him he then brought back a T-Rex and as he did you then flinched in pain again like you were in more pain after that Dr.animo got on his T-Rex crashed through the wall and me and Grandpa Max chased after him after placing you in the Rustbucket." (Quick A/n I a'int got the time nor the will to write the rest of the episode because it is just the exact same but just Imagine you're in the Rustbuckt while everything else is going down okay good now back to the rest of the story we go.)

After Gwen had finished her quick recap on everything while you were passed out you could see Ben making a big fuss over the fact that he got. A) called out for the selfish way he was acting before B) having his chance to explain his heroics taken away from him by his cousin and C) having to look at his best friend look at his dweeb of a cousin with hearts in his eyes. And he was not a fan seeing that at all and as soon as they were both done Grandpa Max comes in and tells them that they're going to start hitting the road again.

Ben: "So Grandpa Max where we going to next"

Max: "Where going to go fishing something that I know you'll enjoy Ben what about you Y/n you into fishing."

Y/n: "I don't know never learned to because I never saw the point in doing it before nor was I desperate enough for food to try it."

Max: "Then I think it might be a good time as any to try out fishing you never know when you might need it and if not it couldn't hurt to know how anyway."

And as you all start to make your way over to the next area you pull out your pda and start putting in the new data for both "team ben" as Ben likes to call the group about everything that you both saw and heard from Gwen about Bens' aliens. And a new enemy that you think will appear more than this one time and after you are done putting in the new data you then get closer to Gwen and start talking.

Y/n: "So Gwen do you think there is any way I could be more helpful because I don't want to be a burden to any of you guys especially since you all were so kind to let me come with you all since my parents left me with you guys in the woods."

Before Gwen said anything back to you she had wide eyes like if you had said something completely insane.

Gwen: "What are you talking about you kicked more but then Ben did and look better doing it than him if there's anyone who needs help on learning how to help around here it has got to be me because I couldn't do anything but stand getting rescued by Ben like a fairy tale princess."

She says that last part with what you think is anger, jealousy, and a hint of romance in her voice at being like a princess which you take your chance to flirt like the boss you know you are.

Y/n: "But if you were a fairy tale princess I would hope that I could be your white knight and help you out with true loves first kiss."

And as you say that you can't help but feel both pain by Gwen hitting you and calling you all sorts of names that she usually only uses on Ben but while all of that is going down you could see her blush hard, harder than you would have thought she or anybody else could have but you don't mind one bit of the pain if it means getting closer and after she finishes her punching barrage on you.

Y/n: "Well first off ow and secondly if you really want to change, I could help you out with the basics of learning how to fight but to learn more I think you might need to go to a professional dojo to learn more."

Gwen: "Well than you very much mister knight for your wonderful insight on how to help me but and I would be glad to learn how to beat people up but if you would excuse me I need to look some things up."

And while she does that you cant help but smile and laugh knowing that you had hopefully increased your favor from Gwen and hopefully learned more about what your mark is and about being a better hero.

And that my friends is the end of this one and I hope you all enjoyed until next time have fun stay safe and peace.

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