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This is a tale of how two people who hated each other and everyone else around them had found love in each other and then evolved into being people who actual care for others, these people are the parent's of Y/n and how they came together.

The time is in the early 60's at a local science conference as a man that doesn't look like his future self at all appears wearing a full on hillbilly outfit as that was the only thing he could afford at the time as he had saved everything he could to get the necessary martials required to eventually make his chemical compound that landed him his future job and helped start up his own company.

With Y/n's father having first of all no shirt and an open plaid shirt that was open that showed he was at least somewhat muscular, some torn and ripped up jeans that made everyone around him give him some coins in his only hat he ever wore which was a worn down grey bowler hat. His bottom half consisted of work man boots that were slightly covered by his very long baggy pants with his belt buckle having the atomic structure of silver with his cheap weaved belt having some crumbs and random chemical stains on it.

His compound was a negatron isotope as he called it as the thing could be used far longer than oil or radiation but was the size of a single uranium rod without any of the adverse effects one would give so long as there weren't any cracks in at least.

It wasn't the cleanest thing ever since it made a try or what he called dark matter form but was overall harmless other than it decreasing the life span of anything it touched and permanently dying something the colors of the void.

These would get changed in the future to it being more of a shot glass cup size as well as him finding a way of using it to fuel his own hover car of his own design that he would never sell as it was a living trophy of how much better he was than everyone else.

As the man was filling up his plate completely ignoring every other like minded person at the convention hall Y/n's dad would meet his future wife which looked very much like a gothic girl with flaming blue hair and an outfit that would make it hard for anyone of the time to get near.

(A/N basically a mix between Ember and Sam from Danny Phantom)

The woman was filling up with the same food that the man was and it eventually turned into a speed gathering competition as the two filled up their entire plates with almost everything with both storming out of the place with their mountains of food stuffed into their own containers.

With them an going normal container route while the woman had a machine that turned a giant box into little containers that would make sure none of the food would touch anymore than it already hade as well as it being fresh whenever she wanted to eat some.

Young Y/n's dad: "Interesting..."

Young Y/n's mom: "Yea I know I can get this thing to even keep body parts regulated if I wanted to."

Young Y/n's dad: "Well cool! But how does it work with all the food we just took? I mean that place had about twenty different sections and that little thing there seems to hold five maybe ten servings."

Young Y/n's mom: "Well that's because (pulls the thing out of her station wagon) it's much bigger than you thought (shoves it back in) along with it having actual servings of food that I want to eat for different days."

Young Y/n's dad: "Cool."

The two then got inside their own cars and went their sperate ways as Y/n's dad went about making his chemical compound that was slowly killing the land around him and causing others to fear him like he was the village shaman while Y/n's mom went about making gadgets that could be considered spy tech as they look normal but can do anything she wants them to.

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