The Trade

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Everyone trades something for another thing most people trade their energy and time for money that they then trade for food, objects, housing, and transportation and then at the end of the day people trade whatever the have left for their families which include their spouses.

Now then if you were to take all of that and multiple that by ten or greater we see just how painful it is for Y/n for this is an a story not of present day but long into his future where the world has changed greatly so that everyone may come together no matter the planets they came from.

A time when all of the adventures that Ben and friends had gone on had come to an end for the most part at least as they are all now protecting or helping others in their very own way of doing things with Y/n sitting inside of Ben's tower sighing like theirs no tomorrow as its a week before Christmas.

The most wonderful time of the year for all who come to earth at least as it's become one of the popular holidays along with Halloween for many aliens that have visited earth before and those that still live their among the humans with most of them changing them up to suit their own kin better but for the part probably being the same thing.

Anyway Y/n sits down at his desk wearing a uniform that somewhat resembles Kevin's but instead mix a little green in there as per the request of Ben when they suits were being made which Y/n had no problem with since having pure black outfits ain't exactly the friendliest choice of colors especially when the only thing being different is a grey hourglass symbol part of the torso.

Along with some green twisting patters on the legs with their being two tops one with sleeves and one without Y/n uses the ones without sleeves since they would get in the way and cost a lot if he were to keep shifting his arms destroying them in the process.

For some reason though Y/n seemed to get a lot of secret admirer candies, cakes, cookies, and other such things all the time, and the reason its so weird is because his division is made up of only males with the female version being run by Sibella.

The reason being so that Sibella could look over and see if any of the girls were trying to do anything with her man and no other reason because she has and always will be a very jealous bat that treats anyone female with contempt and anger.

And along with Sibella every other woman in his life along with the children he's had with them make this time of the year the absolute worse for him not because of the giant family gather but because he likes to give everyone gifts that he thinks they would really enjoy.

Along with gifts that are practical since most of his kids are very different in ages and abelites since his powers seem hereditary with it only being overshadowed by Gwen and their kids who are all also Anodite of course not fully but just enough to where their abelites merge making it to where their kids can use the power of mana to do whatever they want.

With Gwen trying her hardest to get them to wanting to learn magic as Charmcaster laughs along with her own kids as they are all fully able to use magic and mostly use them to mess with the rest of their family making their mama proud while occasionally helping them with whatever they need magically.

Don't even get him started on all the girls and kids because while he does love them with all his heart.... there are just some days were.... he would just love to be able to leave and sit by the beach, feeling the cool breeze and warm sunshine as he reads a book without being interrupted after every word he tries to read.

Y/n: "The days were so much easier when all I had to do was punch bad guys."

Not realizing he had said that out loud every other guy in the office all turned around and looked at Y/n as he was caressing his very long and large family photo with a smile on his face, sadness in his eyes, with his wallet in his free hand as he also liked to give holiday bonuses to all that worked under him and the only ones left were the guys in the office.

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