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As everyone pulls up at Los Soledad to check out the strange sounds, lights, and readings Kevin had heard about from some guys he knew at the Auto shop and when they get there they see that a wall had been destroyed and even stranger Y/n was standing there like he was in a trance.

Ben: "Hey Y/n what's up man how'd you get here and where's Sibella?"

Y/n?: "(Distant and vacant stare) I don't know....."

Kevin: "How you got here or where your bat is at?"

Y/n: "(Says nothing more and just continues to stare at nothing.)"

Ignoring him for a bit the gang continues to walk inside ignoring Kevin spraying "Kevin Rules!" on the side of the wall and to the utter shock of Kevin and everyone else they see that the area has changed immensely since he had last been there while Ben and Gwen where shocked to see the state of the place with it somehow looking like everything's been aged thousands of years.

Ignoring him for a bit the gang continues to walk inside ignoring Kevin spraying "Kevin Rules!" on the side of the wall and to the utter shock of Kevin and everyone else they see that the area has changed immensely since he had last been there whi...

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Gwen: "What happened here?"

Kevin: "I don't know but none of this was here last I knew."

Ben: "(Picks up skeleton bird) It seems to have fossilized."

Kevin: "Shouldn't that take millions of years."

The gang continues walking and sees trails going from the Phone Booth, the library, and the entire area of Los Soledad all looking more aged then they should for something abandoned for at least fifty years.

Eventually they see a giant blob like creature approaching them and while they are at first confused it doesn't take them for long to realize that it's fighting time with it destroying everything in it's path making all those lines from earlier.

Kevin starts absorbing the floor below them as Ben turns into Chromastone while Gwen charges up her mana getting ready to fight the creature but out of nowhere an absently minded Y/n starts walking directly in the creatures path getting hit by it and the building that he gets dragged along across.

Kevin: "Man that's gotta hurt."

Chromastone: "Y/N!"

But before any of them could check on the poor guy the building starts to fall on top of them while also completely burying Y/n in the process as everyone else tries their best to dodge the falling building but just barley manage to do so.

Once they all get their bearings back in order they rush over to where Y/n was only to see that he was perfectly fine even with lots and lots of the fallen debris lodged inside of him like some porcupine with him still staring vacantly at something? as they all let out a sigh of relief with Gwen putting a magic leash and collar on him so he can't get lost or leave them. 

Ben: "(Snaps fingers in front of him) What do you suppose happened to him?"

Kevin: "Something bad seems to be some form of Trauma."

Gwen: "It could also be something else."

They all think for a bit as they walk into the library hopefully the one place that could hopefully give any answers about what the thing was, what happened here, and how Y/n's a part of it and when they enter it's in somewhat decent shape for something fifty years old.

Kevin ties Y/n to one of the chairs as Gwen and Ben get one of the computers running again to try and make sense of what happened here looking through the corroded films they find out that the place was used for some time experiment called project Paradox and the reason the base was made in the desert outside Bellwood was because of its huge quartz deposits.

They all work further in as Ben drags the chair bound Y/n towards the center of the Paradox experiment which was a large donut like quartz with everything around it seeming to be dragged into a black hole as everything is contorted beyond what it should be and stops at the center.

While they were looking about they saw someone moving in the shadows Ben looks at everyone and turns into Swampfire as she goes to catch whoever the mysterious strange might have been and when Swampfire caught the man everyone was surprised to see that it was the man from the film looking the same as his photo.

???: "That takes me back. Or is it forward? It's so hard to tell, Ben"

Ben: "Have we met? How do you know my name?"

???: "Have we met yet, I suppose the question was."

The man then starts walking around talking about the blob creature they had meet before and with an offer of a gumball he walks into a corridor only to vanish without a trace like he was never there and in their hurry to find out more about that man they forgot all about Y/n.

And as the camera goes from them running after the strange man it moves slowly towards Y/n as sparks erupt from him letting him go free and as if in a daze he starts moving with a purpose like no one had ever seen before as he gets up from his chair like he's not in control of his own body and begins walking around the area.

Y/n walks around the area of what was once Kevin's car and as he walks past it he starts sucking up the parts like a vacuum cleaner until he eventually comes face to face with the creature as well and as the creature slams into Y/n repeatedly Ben, Gwen, and Kevin are all screaming at him to stop while the now named Professor Paradox  watch's it all go down calm as can be.

Professor Paradox: "I will never go tired of seeing what he can do. But now is not the time for watching."

The professor then grabs both Y/n and the time blob and at the behest of Ben sends them all the way back fifty years ago the day the Paradox was born aka the failed experiment with quartz crystals and the second they got there Y/n went lump like someone had just flipped his off switch.

-Back at present day.-

Y/n: "(Groans) Ugh (looks around confused) Um... where am I? and how did I get here?"

Ben: "You don't remember?"

Y/n: "No one second I was getting ready for bed with Sibella the next thing I'm here (points at Professor Paradox) and who's that guy?"

Paradox: "Ahem allow me to explain. (Walks over and touches Y/ns shoulder) It seems that this young man's flow of time had been messed with."

Kevin: "What does that mean?"

Paradox: "That either he or someone else had sent him back or forward in time and by doing so with all the DNA inside him scrambled his way of doing things."

But before he could explain more he saw his old friend Hugo who happened to be the time blob leaving everyone to wonder what happened to Y/n and what he could have done or what happened to him to make him that way.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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