Midnight Madness

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As you all exit the biggest and grandest mall that has ever existed you are helping Max carry everything Ben, Gwen, and Charmcaster had bought along with some things of you own as Gwen read a book about the mall.

Gwen: "[Getting more exited as she reads.] 500 stores, 72 restaurants, 48 movie screens, an indoor roller coaster"

Ben: "We could just spend the whole summer here [kneels] this mall has everything."

Y/n: "They even have their own criminals and police force."

Ben: "Looks like the rent a cops could use a little help [cracks knuckles] ahh a hero's work is never done."

Y/n: "Soo lame but whatever I'm coming with [hands bags to max and Gwen.]"

As Ben turns into Wildmutt you pick up your hoodie as you then ride him towards the enemy but when you get there you were not expecting what you found.

It was a bunch of old people acting like ninjas and as they flipped off one of the nearby support beams, they jump kicked you off of Wildmutt, You and Ben were not winning this fight at all as the old ninja's kept beating both you and Ben without giving either of you room to do much of anything other getting a beating.

To make matters worse when the mall cops finally arrived only you and Ben where there with all the stolen goods.

Y/n: "Run boy run!!"

As you yelled that you hopped on Wildmutt and kicked him the ribs to try and get him to go faster as only one of you could safely escape if you both managed to get caught but thankfully you all were grabbed by Gwen and Charmcaster after the Rust Bucket pulled in just in time to escape.

When you both got in Max sped off as you changed your clothes as fast as you could while everyone just waited for Ben to turn back to normal and after a few shrieks both good and bad you and Ben are finally ready to face the security guards just as they get inside.

Once they left you all sighed with relief as you were all clean and safe for the moment at least you all then went to bed while Max tried to fix the dent he had in his RV from crashing into a light post.

-Later inside the mall-

Gwen: "Nice going heroes not only did you let the robbers get away, but because they thought your furry but and your sketchy hood was inside, they played demolition with the rust bucket."

Charmacaster: "I'm sure that's not what they were hoping for when it happened."

Ben then convinces everyone but you on everything that just happened being good as you were all now stuck inside the mall as Gwen and Charmcaster both then hit Ben hard and you either just as hard or a bit softer since it still hurt before they both then dragged you and Ben towards a hypnosis show.

Both Gwen and Charmcaster pushed both you and Ben on the stage as volunteers as they started recording everything that was about to happen if it worked and when you all saw the mastermind behind the show none of you were convinced, he knew what he was doing.

It starts of lame and all of you are confused at his first attempt at hypnotizing all of you with you calling him crazy for trying but once he clicks on the watch and that was the last thing you remember happening before waking up next to Ben in the RV.

[Gwen shows Ben her recording as Charmcaster show's you hers.]

You then see that the guy had first made all of you go to sleep then act like new-born babies as all the people hypnotized start crying and acting like full grown babies again as everyone else laughs.

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