And Then There Were 10.5

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After getting a look around the "rust bucket" as everyone calls it you figure out where everything is and what to do by Max as Ben and the cute red-haired girl that you learned was named Gwen where getting everything was left to clean up so that everyone could hit the road to the next destination.

Y/n: "Hey max where are we all going to next."

Max: "Where going sightseeing at Washington D.C."

Y/n: "That sounds cool also (noticing ben walking in) where'd you get that weird watch last I knew you didn't have it "

Ben: "Looks cool right well I found it in a big."

But as he was about to tell you the rest he gets pulled aside by Gwen telling him off about something and after that Gwen came up to you.

Gwen: "Grandpa Max gave it to him as a gift also hi we haven't been introduced yet my names Gwen and I have no don't you have either never heard of me or only bad things from ben so I hope to correct what he has told you."

Y/n: "Well your right he hasn't told me much about you but what he has said I know cant be all true because he told me that you were a freakazoid but I cant see anything freaky about someone as cute as you."

And as you said that you could swear you saw both Gwen start to turn a bit red and a big flash of green.

Y/n: "What was that."

As you said trying to protect both Gwen and Max and as you were getting closer you could swear you thought Gwen was trying to blind you or trip you even distract you by telling you it was from her laptop but that didn't stop you from going outside to see a big blue raptor looking thing with what looked to be spheres on its feet? and what could have only been somehow a helmet imbedded with its head.

As you said trying to protect both Gwen and Max and as you were getting closer you could swear you thought Gwen was trying to blind you or trip you even distract you by telling you it was from her laptop but that didn't stop you from going outside...

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Y/n: "What the heck are you and what did you do with Ben you got 30 seconds to tell me before I hurt you."

???: "Whoa Whoa calm down dude it's me Ben your best friend."

Y/n: "Yea right as long as I've known him he could never become what ever it is you are."

???: "No its really me you went to my house so many times that my parents left out an extra set of toothbrush and mouthwash for you."

Y/n: "Nice guess but times up."

And as you go to strike what ever that thing is you where stopped by both Gwen and Max protecting it.

Y/n: "What the heck is going on and why are you protecting that thing when for all we know it could have taken Ben and done who knows what."

Max: "Look this might be hard to understand but that is Ben its just going to take some time to explain so why don't we all just relax and try not to hurt anyone okay."

And just as Max had finished talking you heard and saw a red beeping coming from that things chest and when you was done you heard a noise and then saw a flash of red as there stood before you was Ben and when you saw him you went up and hugged him then started to beat on his arm while saying to never make you worried like that again.

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