A Change of Face.5

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As everyone was waiting for you and Ben to finish getting dressed neither of you are willing nor wanting to leave looking the way you both do but Gwen and Charmcaster are having none of it as they both then magically pull you both out with everyone hearing.

Y/n & Ben: "This is not fairrrr"

And when you both finally get out you are both dressed the same with Gwen looking somewhat like a witch and Charmcaster wearing a dress while making suggestive possess at you making you blush bright red before Gwen tells her to knock it off as you all then start walking around.

And when you both finally get out you are both dressed the same with Gwen looking somewhat like a witch and Charmcaster wearing a dress while making suggestive possess at you making you blush bright red before Gwen tells her to knock it off as you...

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As you walk around you and Ben are nothing but embarrassed just hoping for something anything to happen so you could get rid of those clothes.

But sadly, nothing happens as you are all then parading around Salem, Massachusetts with the most exciting thing being Charmcaster messing with stuff causing chaos with her magic and Gwen trying to fix it with her own magic just making the whole thing worse.

And after walking for awhile you are no longer wearing the traditional outfit that everyone (minus Charmcaster) was wearing. 

Ben: "Hey! (Points towards you.) How come he Y/n's no longer wearing this stuff (whispers in your ear) if im going down you're going down with me."

Everyone then looks towards with confused looks on their faces but for some reason you are no exception as you have no idea what happened and when they had vanished.

Max then leaves for a bit and then comes back with a similar looking outfit to what you had been wearing before and as soon as he put it on you and everyone else had realized what had happened to the first.

You hated wearing the outfit so much that your subconscious had used you're at the moment dormant powers and burned everything off of you the second it was placed on you.

You kind of wish they hadn't seen it as both Ben and Charmcaster started using you as a portable fireplace and grill and every time they used you to heat something up you just wanted to punch them as you found it more than a little annoying.

There was then an explosion that seemed to have come from a nearby bank Ben is basically thanking the criminals for making a scene that allowed her to take the outfit off as she then ran towards the action turning into cannonbolt as you hear a faint.

Ben: "Aw, Man."

Both Charmcaster and Gwen then go and try to help her out but not before Gwen puts a spell on both of you just in case as does Charmcaster but kiss's you instead for her spell while doing it normally for Grandpa Max.

You and Max then rush in after giving them all a ten-minute head start before you both drove nearby in the Rust Bucket ready to get them all out of there as fast as the Rust Bucket could legally possibly go.

Ben, Gwen, and Charmcaster all then ran in the RV with Max putting the peddle to the mettle and after you all get seated, and Grandpa Max settles down to normal speeds again and after awhile you then asked them.

Y/n: "So how did you all manage to swap bodies."

Gwen then does a spit take Ben tries to cover everyone's mouth with Charmcaster just silently blushing a bit and after you glare at them long enough Charmcaster then breaks down and starts telling you all about how her and Gwen got a little too competitive and that she had accidentally used a wrong spell that transferred them all into different bodies.

You are then told that Gwen was now Ben, and that Ben was now Charmcaster which confused you more than anything as Charmcaster was Ben and they talked like they were the ones who had casted the spell but until everything was fixed you then marked them with something that symbolized their old bodies.

And after you mark them and write down on your PDA who was who Grandpa Max then pulled the Rust Bucket over as you all then got out and looked at the place where you all would be staying the night before you all then checked into your own rooms.

You and Max were bunked together as all the girls were bunked together which had made it a bit hard for you to sleep as you wondered what they were all saying, and it didn't help at all that they you and Max heard at random hours of the night screams and other noises before everything went quite like nothing had happened.

And when the next day came around you were barely able to stand as you had little to no sleep and it was just after you went to wake them up did you find out that except for maybe the first time the sounds you had been hearing all night were nothing more than recordings.

And the rest of the day only got worse as all three of them kept playing pranks on both you and Max all day by acting completely different than how they would normally act and just making both you and Max mainly you though wonder how long them switching bodies would last and when they would go back to normal.

When everything finally went back to normal you were in a stockade as they all did random acts of seduction on you and what made it worse was, they had gotten rid of their marks, and they had started acting like all of them at random times, so it was impossible for you to figure out who was doing what and who they really were.

And when you woke up the next day as you were all heading towards your next destination, they were all acting like themselves and whenever you tried to say anything about what happened yesterday, they treated you like you were delusional and you might have been, but no matter if it was real or just a dream one thing was for certain it was annoying, interesting, and made it hard for you to look at any of them in the face for awhile.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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