Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventurers

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You and Ben just watched a really bad cartoon version of Ben's hero stopping bad guys while the cartoon version of you was made to be the punch line sidekick who needed rescuing.

Gwen: "Is it just me or are those super lame-o versions of you guys."

Gwen and Charmcaster both then start laughing at the stupid cartoon that was totally a rip off of you guys in the worst possible way.

Ben & Y/n: "Someone's paying for this big-time!"

Ben: "Bad enough they ripped me off with some dumb cartoon. Did they have to make me look like a total dweeb?"

Charmcaster: "Yeah, as if you need help looking like a total dweeb. [She then high fives Gwen while watching you and Ben sulk over the dumb cartoon.]"

Max: "Just like I thought it's the distributor. I saw a garage a few blocks back let me see if I can another one."

Gwen: "What about Planetary studios?"

Max: "You're right Ben's been bugging me all summer to take him to Kangaroo Commando. All right, you all get started without me, I'll meet you back here at 4:00."

Charmcaster: "I don't get what the big deal is about some old tv actor jumping around in his underwear."

Both you and Ben then start preforming fake martial arts while Ben explains how awesome the show is and how they just don't understand.

Ben: "I wouldn't expect you to appreciate Kangaroo Commando, but I've watched his show since I was just a kid. He was one of the things that inspired me to be a Superhero."

You all then see the knock off Fourarms called Handy Buddy and the knock off version of you called spark fly as they both dance around and act like idiots before walking off somewhere else making you reconsider your stance on letting Ben mess with things.

Gwen: "Meet Tim Dean, "creator" of 'Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures. [Both her and Charmcaster turn towards both you and Ben and mockingly say] Wanna get an autograph.'"

And after seeing all the mascots of the show walk bye you all go over to where Tim Dean was signing his "Original" drawings not seeming all that thrilled about it to be honest, and he only got some life back into him when Ben came over and ripped his drawing in half calling him a fraud that stole his idea from the aliens on the news.

And as Ben was getting dragged away by Firebuddy you then came up to the guy with your hood up as you then grabbed all his papers and pen as you rammed the pen through all the papers as you then grabbed the pen like a handle on a hammer as you then through it as far as you could before running off escaping into the crowds as to not draw any more attention to yourself.

When you finally stopped running you heard the sounds of explosions, and your first thought was Ben you then began running towards the sound and when you finally got there you saw that Kangaroo Commando was preforming a stunt show with Heathblast getting beaten by the guy.

As you watched the show you had no fun watching it because of everything you all had done this summer you honestly lost interest in some of the things you liked that, or it could also be the fact you don't like this shame of a show since you know Ben can whoop that guy's but no problem.

When it was all over you got his autograph for both you and Ben and just as you were about to leave you saw Tim Dean walk over to him and accuse him of ripping him of by using his own "creations" to boost his stunt shows audience which took every ounce of self-control you had not to laugh when he said that with a straight face.

Once you gave Ben his Kangaroo Commando autograph you then got dragged by Charmcaster while Sibella hissed and when you finally got her to calm down Charmcaster then grabbed you and kissed you just as you heard a camera go off.

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