Simian Says

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Welcome to the jungle where everything's trying to kill you or eat you alive. Welcome to the jungle where no one's leaving till the spider monkey race invasion has been settled for the time being. Welcome to the jungle where Sibella's having the time of her life even though she's a cave bat that only experienced the trees thanks to Dr.Animo's mutation of her all those years ago.

Anyway in all seriousness Eunice needed some help as the head crab monsters that the High breed where using to wage their galactic war against all races as they were petty creatures who wanted to take out everyone else with them if they were to die out.

Well thanks to some of those little freaks of nature still being alive and enslaving all of Spider-monkeys people she called up on Ben for some help in freeing/cleaning up the mess that they had made to the planet with Y/n getting an invite because he was in the same room as Ben when she got the call for... reasons.

The only problem with getting to the planet was Sibella who didn't like it as she didn't want to leave earth for some reason as she had no problem leaving it a week ago to go and watch some galactic gladiators LIVE with Y/n but whatever.

Actually no not whatever. WHY the heck didn't she want to leave? Especially when she seemed to be having the time of her life in the woods for the first time she's ever truly been forced to welcome nature that she couldn't just destroy when it felt convenient to her or because she wanted to.

Which now that Y/n thinks about a little more it probably wasn't the best move to bring along the giant fire bat from hell to a place that could be light up the entire planet like a  fourth of July fire cracker visible from space!

But its far too late to turn back now so best make use of the eggs you got now that there scrambled as Max would probably say in this situation with how bad of a decision Y/n had made.

Once the Rust Bucket III had landed on the planet everyone made their way towards the blinking light that was the Omnitrix detector after being calibrated to ignore both Ben and Y/n of course as otherwise it'd make finding Eunice super annoying.

They manage to find her with relative ease, that was of course until the hive mind controlled spider-monkey people arrive with one seeming more like a chimp than monkey as well as seeming to be controlled more than the others.

The money tentacle hybrid creatures charge at everyone with one of them being able to push Y/n a good distance back as it was the big one who managed to do so as Y/n grabbed its first set of hands and slammed the big chimp into the ground as many of its followers charged at him into the woods.

As he stumbled down the hill and further into the woods than he'd like Y/n manages to finally knock the blasted monkey's off himself as immediately starts sinking into some bog water but thankfully manages to grab a vine in the nick of time.

Y/n: "(Looks down) Well... that was rather quick."

Most of Y/n's clothes had been destroyed thanks to the alien bog pit with the only thing remaining was the sleeves of his hoodie and the upper shoulder portion of it as well along with whatever remained of his shirt.

Of course Y/n felt a strong breeze when ever he walked around or did anything but thankfully it was short lived before anyone with a brain could see as Y/n used whatever remained of his clothes and turned then into make shift shorts that while they didn't really had much of anything it was certainly better than nothing.

Y/n then looks around and makes his way towards the group again and sees that during his little nature hike Kevin turned into a maroon man or magenta and started stretching around and beating the spider monkey hive up as much as he liked.

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