Lone Wolf

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As blasts of purple energy hit a wall closely followed by more and more bolts of energy a shadowy figure runs as fast as they can not even seeming to care about the puddle they just ran through until they come face to face with a dead end brick wall.

A pair of shadows start creeping closer towards the mysterious figure rays of light start hitting them revealing that they are a grey with some blue wolf man in black and red clothing badly damaged to the point they could be considered as rags.

 All of a sudden a spot light hit where the pair of shadow figures were last seen before they began to move away possibly not wanting to be found.

???: "(Weakly and in pain) Must... find........ help.........."

As the wolf boy passes out we cut to Y/n who's having a good old boxing match against Ben with both of them as Humungousaur  to both see who's the better fighter and to also train and like always their matches end in a draw with Gwen having to help Ben afterwards while leaving Y/n to heal by himself while Kevin watched and laughed at the pair.

Jumping up Y/n walks out of Gwen's high school gym as he had better things to do then have Gwen and Kevin laugh at him while sparring with Ben which was already hard enough fighting in the first place since they knew how each other fought and with Sibella finally back home the place had become loud and hectic once again.

Making it to where the only time Y/n has to be alone is when he's out walking on days like this since other wise Sibella would almost always be on him in some way relaxing or sleeping before she begins making loads of noise once she spots any female getting close to him like some sort of car alarm.

Which made it hard to find any time alone anymore where nothing to chaotic was happening around him that was until he came across a badly injured and bleeding grey furred wolf man in badly damaged red and black clothing that was miraculously still on him.

Looking around to see if anyone was there he picked up the poor kid once he realized that no one was there to see what this alien looked like as he brought him to Ben's house since his apartment was farther away and it didn't seem like the kid could make that journey.

Y/n: "(Looks around) Thank goodness no one's home."

Y/n then charges into Ben's room and places the injured wolf man on the bed  after making a blanket of crystal to place him on since he doesn't want to get Ben's bed dirty beyond what's already there and he has no idea what its blood can do to anything on earth.

Looking around the place Y/n sighs as he starts to clean up Ben's room making it look a bit nicer and less like she just throws things inside and drags out whatever she might need along with ruining her clothes as some of them need to be on a hanger while she just left them on the floor whenever she got out of them.

Once that's finished he leaves to get their first aid kit to help him fix the poor kid up until he can heal enough to tell Y/n more about them and how they got here as well as why they were on earth and what could have caused all their wounds.

And while Y/n was trying to attempt to help since he has no real idea how to put a bandage on some as he has a healing factor he seemed to have made breathing for the wolf man a lot more painful and troublesome than it would have been had he not done anything.

While making sure the wolf man was okay Ben burst through the door into her room and started getting rid of all her clothes as she changed into some more comfortable lazy wear attire without noticing that Y/n was there and when she turned around she spotted him covering a unknown injured wolf man's eyes as he slowly and weakly waved his hand at her.

After getting brutally beaten by Ben she only stops hitting him once she hears the wolf man groan out in pain and as she walks away to help the poor guy Y/n lets out a sigh of relief only to get hit in the face with one of her shoes.

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