Ben 10 vs the Negative 10 Part 1

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While Ben goes hero and saves the day Y/n is stuck inside the RV with Grandpa Max making sure that Gwen and Charmcaster don't destroy each other or the Rust bucket while Sibella goes crazy for some reason other than that all of this started because of him.

-Flashback where everyone is eating ice cream-

Ben: "Hey Y/n what are your plans for summer next year?"

Y/n: "I don't know that's if I'm still here (licks ice cream)."

Gwen & Charmcaster: "(Ice cream drops) What do you mean?"

Y/n: "My parents work a lot, and they make take me somewhere else during Summer break."

As both Y/n and Ben eat their ice cream in peace they see Gwen and Charmcaster whisper each other before their first of many fights start to go down.

-Flashback ends with Ben finally returning-

Ben: "Still at it?"

Y/n: "Yep."

Ben: "Well I'm going to bed see you all tomorrow."

Y/n: "(Yawns) Night."

When Y/n wakes up again the first thing he sees is Ben falling on the floor face first and within seconds hearing Gwen and Charmcaster start their fighting again while Grandpa Max makes his way towards wherever he was driving.

Y/n: "(Sits shotgun) So where we going?"

Grandpa Max: "(Smiles) It's a surprise for later (Looks at Gwen & Charmcaster) just hope it helps with them."

If he were to guess right at the halfway point Gwen and Charmcaster stopped fighting only for both Ben and Gwen to start fighting themselves over a call-in prize to try and get their own tickets to a movie premier.

As they were fighting Charmcaster sat right down next to Y/n held his arm and just started humming softly to herself as she looked into Gwen's eyes and even though no words were said even, he could feel the static in the air caused by those two as he tried to slip away. 

Grandpa Max: "(Enters the rust bucket with a skinny blond hair kid with a number 3 jersey) Everyone meet Cooper he's going to be spending a bit of his summer vacation with us at least until we drop him off at his house."

Connor: "Hello (waves hand)."

Y/n: "(Waves back) Nice to meet you."

Charmcaster: "(Just stairs before looking away annoyed) Nice to meet you too I guess."

Gwen and Ben don't seem to notice as they are fighting over a phone so they can get free tickets to some movie premier like it's some big deal and as if on some sort of que Sibella swoops down resting on young Y/n's head as he introduces her.

As Ben and Gwen fight over the phone an announcer over the radio tells all the listens that someone else had received the premier prize as Charrmcaster laughed letting Y/n go for a bit before latching right back on once she finished laughing.

Tension was in the air as you felt like either Tennyson was going to do something they regretted only for it all to be resolved over once Cooper said that he himself had a ticket to the premier for himself that he was willing to give away.

Once Grandpa Max starts driving off both Ben and Gwen try their best at sucking up to Cooper so one of them gets the ticket while the other doesn't and while they were sucking up Grandpa Max pulls up a video of the Circus Freaks with one new member breaking into Fort Knox.

As they were trying to form a plan on why they would do that and who the new member might have been Cooper pipes up asking what was with the video and what they were going to do at first everyone tries to hide the truth except for Charmcaster who gets to blurt everything out once Cooper says that he knows since he's the son of a plumber.

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