Charm's Day

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Y/n: "Love is such a fickle thing right?"

This man says as he is hanging upside down held with magic circles around his wrist and ankles wearing only a pair of skin tight pants as Charmcaster who looks a little crazy not going to lie with a powerful glint in her eyes as she looks at Y/n.

Charmcaster: "(Lets out a little chuckle that also a little deranged) Oh, you have no idea especially when it seems like the one you love is ghosting you and everything and I know that's not the case since (snaps her fingers as two rock golem's appear holding both the master magician staff and a lot of clothes with Charmcaster taking the wand and pointing it directly at Y/n's head.) If that were the case I can always help you become a ghost (smiles creepily) or we can go on a date like you said you'd do when we were younger."

Y/n: "Look I was going to but like... I've been busy beating bad guys and trying not to loose myself you know?"

Charmcaster: "Oh I know (holds up phone) I've read the messages you've sent but (turns Y/n right side up with her staff) but I also know that you've had dates with all the other girls that hang around you leaving only me and that weird haired chick dateless."

Y/n: "I mean I would have been willing if you had told me you were nearby but- "

Charmcaster: "(Places a finer on Y/n's lips) Now you don't need to saying anything cause all I need from you is a little bit of your time so that we can make up for all the dates that you were supposed to take me on."

Y/n: "I mean sure but like how much can we possibly do in one night?"

Charmcaster: "Who says were stopping."

Y/n: "I mean I got other things as important to going on a date with you... you know like paying by bills and going to school."

Charmcaster: "Well that shouldn't be a problem as you can just live here with me for the rest of our lives."

Y/n: "Well... as good as that does sound I don't really think that'll be good for the others."

Charmcaster: "I don't really care they had you all to themselves long enough."

And before Y/n could say anything else he and the two golem's disappeared into the darkness with their only being sounds of pain and anguish through where ever they were and where ever Charmcaster had her rock golems take Y/n away.

With Y/n away Charmcaster had then begun having a little runway model show for herself to decide what she'll wear for her date with Y/n going through about every single one of her outfits more than once until she comes to the conclusion that the first outfit she wore with Y/n being shackled by her magic was her best outfit.

Now with her outfit out of the way she then began doing the exact same thing in the exact same way with her make up, hair, shoes, and accessories as she did for her clothes before with her taking a few hours just to decided that what she had on in the first place was already perfect for their date.

Worse yet.... that's not the first nor the last time it shall ever happen to Y/n but the weirdest one to have ever happened has to be Sibellas since she hates wearing clothes and almost always wears the exact same outfit every time they go out and yet she spends just about the same amount of time all the other girls do when they get ready.

Which makes it a little awkward when Y/n's waiting for the girls to be done with whatever they are doing along side the other guys who were doing the exact same thing with their dates when they go to public areas where they go shopping or when they tell him to meet them at some public place.

Anyway once Charmcaster had finished dressing back up as her normal self Y/n was then called back with him looking like a goth magician that didn't wear any actual shirts and only open jackets along with jeans that are almost impossible to move in and very pointy black boots to the point he made a hole on one of the rock golems who were placing it on him.

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