The Krakken

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As you and Ben are making cannonballs you hear Ben start to boast about how great his cannonball was you cannot help but try and out boast him about how much better your cannonball was, after you and Ben were done with your boast off challenge you both then see Gwen to which you both invite her to join in and swim and you hear her say.

Gwen: "I don't want to come in contact with any of the strange creatures that might be in the water."

And starts to shine her light on ben as you are getting out of the water you hear them both bicker some more than a splash but just as you and Gwen where about to get into the Rust bucket you start to hear Ben drown and when that happens Gwen sees you run fast faster than she has.  Seen any normal person run and starts to hear her heartbeat faster than normal and also a little jealous at how you reacted towards Ben being in danger and wonder if you would react the same way if she was in the same situation, but as you got to the edge you saw.

Pop out of the water and scare Gwen you on the other were in pretty much a blind rage as you then went to try and punch that thing but is then revealed to just be Ben as Fourarms as he begins to make fun of how both of you reacted to his prank whi...

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Pop out of the water and scare Gwen you on the other were in pretty much a blind rage as you then went to try and punch that thing but is then revealed to just be Ben as Fourarms as he begins to make fun of how both of you reacted to his prank which leaves both you and Gwen. Annoyed at Ben as you both leave you then look at Ben with eyes that let him know he messed up and you start to hug Gwen because just why not and as you do you see her face get a little bit red but as she is not hitting you and telling you to let go of her you think you are making good Progress about advancing your relationship with her.

After enough time has passed for both you and Gwen to get dry and change you both were watching a movie well more realistically Gwen is watching a movie while you are more interested on watching her and seeing her reactions throughout the whole movie while you were watching little bits and pieces here and there so that you could follow along with it to chat with Gwen about it later. And as you both were enjoying yourselves Ben bust inside the Rust bucket talking about how he just met a real monster and trying to get everyone to believe in him but none of them do so because of the prank he pulled off just a few moments ago and after you all get Ben to calm down you all go to bed for the night so that you all can make it to your next destination.

After some time has passed for everyone to be ready for the day Ben and Max are getting on a boat to go fishing as you and Gwen are just standing on the pier while Ben gives Gwen a handful of worms and says its breakfast which Max replies that it's bait for their fishing trip Max then. Ask's you if you would like to join in as well and you weigh the options of doing something you have never done before, hanging out with you best friend, or hanging out and being with the girl you have a crush on and as much as you want to be with Gwen, you decide it would be better to. Be with Ben and Max just in case you ever need to know how to fish, and you think it would be a good and fun time hanging out with the both of them so as everyone is leaving you give Gwen a quick hug and then jump onto the boat as it was leaving to go fishing.

After all three of you were in the water getting ready to go fishing you see Max try and make conversation with the man driving the boat and you see Ben leaning over the edge you can't help but wonder what it would have been like to just relax with Gwen back on dry land and not be bored out of you mind as you were just waiting and learning on what it is like to fish. But just as you were in your own little world you then see another boat show up of three guys that you can't help but be suspicious of no matter how they try to look and act like good guys that want nothing more than to help out all of sea life you then see a giant fin come out of the water. As both Ben and the captain of the boat are going crazy saying how it was the sea monster that Ben saw charge straight at the pier where you all know Gwen is at you then see a giant sea beast come up out of the water and starts to destroy the pier that Gwen and other people are on you and. Max both tell Ben to go hero and to go and save Gwen and as many citizens as he could as you see say he was going Ripjaws but then turns into XLR8 much to Bens annoyance you tell him hurry up and save the others as he then tried to swim but then realized that he was fast enough that. He could run on water after you see him save everyone and get into a little bit of conflict you then help Ben get back up when he falls into the water after his watch times out.

After everyone is back onto dry land you see everyone leave as Ben is boasting about how he knew it and that he was right about there being a sea monster while you were just hugging and being with Gwen which to your surprise, she was the one who started it this time much to your pleasure. As well when the captain of the boat you were just in talks about wanting to go after that Krakken as he calls it then you see the glint in his eyes, and you know that means nothing good and after some time you knew you were right as you and Ben were both hiding. On the captains' boat when he then discovers both of you hiding after all of you get in some scuba suits you all go down into the water as you see an egg like thing laying down on the sea floor after you all resurface you and Ben see the eco-friendly fakers from earlier knockout the captain. Kidnap him then blow up the boat leaving both you and Ben stranded out in the middle of no where then as they were leaving Ben turns into stinkfly and starts to take off as you tell him that you would be fine on you own and to take out those guys and bring them to justice.

After a few hours of you swimming like an Olympic level champion or that of a character from a game you finally make it back to land as you see both Max and Ben start to go out into the water again for some reason as you just no longer care and just want to get back inside of the rust bucket and just sleep and to your delight you do so with gusto after Gwen has informed you about what has happened while you were gone.

And with that I am done my friends come back next time to see what happens next and I hope to see you all again next time stay safe and peace.

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