Permanent Retirement.5

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Y/n: "So you telling me that while I was asleep giant blob monsters were turning into old people so that they could take them back to there home planet and eat them that is probably one of the most weird, scary, and horrifying things that I think has ever happened to any of us."

And as they were making sure that they had everything and fueled and did some maintenance on the rustbucket everyone was getting ready to leave and after you all had some home cooked food by their Aunt Vera you could see her whisper something in Gwen's ear. Before you all left and when you asked her what she said you could see her face go red and then she hit you for meddling in her and Aunt Vera's conversation.

After you all hit the road again to wherever your next destination takes you, while everyone is doing their own thing except Max who is driving you start to meditate so that you may have a clearer mind and try to figure out what that strange dream you had meant. But as you were getting started you could feel the stares that both Ben and Gwen were giving you so as you opened you eyes you said.

Y/n: "WHAT do you guys want can't you see I'm trying to mediate."

After your yelled and slightly annoyed question was asked both Ben and Gwen asked you what you did normally for the holidays.

Y/n: "Well if that's all you really want to know then what I usually do is just make some cookies go to the local homeless shelters and orphanages and give away all the cookies that I had just made and try to help out anyway that I can then I go over to Ben's house sometimes and celebrate Christmas there."

Gwen: "We meant what you do with your parents."

Y/n: "Well my parent's work almost every single day of every single year with the only time off being to sleep, eat, and maintain their health so they were never really there for me so I don't really know or think that we have a way to celebrate Christmas."

And after hearing you say that you felt Gwen come over to and snuggle you up as Ben gave you a quick fist bump and they both told you that you are more than welcome to spend the holidays with them and as they were saying that you could see Max give a soft gentle smile and could not be anymore proud in the fact of how good his grandkids were.

And after the rust bucket made a quick stop you continued with your meditation and after what felt like a few seconds you were back in that strange realm that you had dreamed of earlier and as you began to walk around the area you could feel the place slither and move around and after walking around for a bit you came across that same strange symbol again.

And after you began to investigate and analyze what it could have been you saw it start to pule a green energy and then out came some more of the strange creature that had attacked you back in the forest you saw them start to replicate and form what the environment around you had looked liked.

And after you then began to run you then came across the same creature that looked just like you but with all those strange symbols across him you then heard him say.

???: "ɿ̴̭͓̝̣͔͊͑̍͑̈́ɘ̶̬̠̻͈̩͐̂̓́̈m̷͕̥̪͇̟̾͐̈́̓͠ɘ̵̛̲͍̖͇̿̔͗͂͜m̷̧̨̛̛̳̠̪͊̀̉d̴̨͉̮̲͉̽̇̒͑̉er the key is within Ɉ̴͙̼̰̗̠̀̀̏̀́ʜ̷̙̤̯̞̻͊̐̍̚͝ɘ̷̨̩̬̱̤̾̈̀̓͠ ̶͈̗̹̥̩͂͌̂̊͝ḃ̶̼̠͉͈͙͐͑́͘n̵̢̩͓̯͍͗̓̒͋̅ɒ̶̨͚̲̜̺̂̅̈̉̎ ̸̘͍̱̭̗͑͛́̈͘ọ̶̞̟̮̜̄̈́̈́̉̑ʇ̵͉̱͍̈̀̈́̄͜͝ͅ ̴̢̡̡̠͎̑̂̀͒̈ǒ̶̢̙̖̺͇̐͂͘͝Ɉ̶̧͈͍̬̿͂͋͜͠͝ʜ̶̡̢̠̖͍̋͆̆̆́ɘ̸̱̭̝̤͇̈́̇͌̉̒ɿ̴̛̹̣͈̖̗̽͆̄͑ƨ̵̜̤͇͓͍͑͂͋̌͝ become m̴̢̘͈̥̥̃͆͆̎͠o̷̥̬̠̮̲͗̓͐̏͘ɿ̶̧̨̗̱̬͛͊͗̃͠ɘ̷̣̦̱̙͉̋̈́͛́̆ ̸̼͎͚̮̣̎͂̑̍͝q̴͈͎̦̲̬̈̀̊͊͝ó̸̬͖̯͚̤̋̈̏̇w̵̡̢̗͉̝̓̾́̓͆ɘ̷̨͉̪͓̟̀͐̀͑̎ɿ̸͍͙͖̺̟͑̉̎̕̚ʇ̸̙͚͎̤͕̍͊̆̅̕υ̵̛̻͔̻̾̅̚͜͝ͅl̷̢̦̖̭̙̈́̋̒͘͝ ̸̧̺̻̰̠̈́͗̑̓̾ɒ̶̧̲͈̠̮̌͒̆̓̾ƨ̶͔̜̻̠͔̐͌́̃̈́ ̴̪̭̳̤̘̂͒͛͑͊Ɉ̸̧͖̫͍͍̾̈́̎͆͌i̷̺̰̤̩̾͛̉̓͐ͅm̶̳̜̺̹̥̈́̈́͋͒̕ɘ̶͈͔̺̠̙́̐͋͝͝ ̸̡̯͍͖̜͗͌̃͗͘ϱ̷̱͍̰̭̻̎̊̄̄͛o̷̪̰̞̺̤̿͗̿̑̚ɘ̷̰͚̺̻̣̃̿̎͘͝ƨ̸̣͈͚̖̖͗̇̏͂̓ ̷͙͖͈̰̖̔͒̾̽͆ǒ̸̧̞͍̺̻̆̌̏͂n̷̰̻̖̦͈͗̏̅̐̿ ̸͖̜̘̝͈͑͆́̉͝γ̴̡̞͇͍̪̈́́̉̓̋o̷̼̻̩̠̤͒̒͛͘̕υ̶͉͉̜̖̫͑̅̽͋͠ ̴͙̙̳̩͔͒̒̊̇͠į̷̡̖̜̪̮̒̐̾̚͝ῡ̴̛̮͇̻̜̉̾̈́ͅƨ̷͓͎̱̥̰̈̐̉̒̕Ɉ̸͎̠͚͉̈́̔̑͛̆ͅ ̶̰̘̬̰̪͐̑̈͊͒ṇ̸̢̞̻̀̐͗͝͝ͅɘ̷̛̤͈͕̣͑̐̌̔͜ɘ̴̥̖̩̰̱́̅͂̌͝ḃ̷͖̥͇̗̾̆̕͜͠ ̶̛̬͙͇̩̙͛̃̌̚Ɉ̸̲̬͙̣̻̓̀̀͠͝ơ̷̛̬̭͎̯̈́̏̎͜ accept it."

And just as you were trying to figure out what it had just told you it then began to rush at you and then when it touched you were then shocked awake just mere moments before the rest of the gang had came back into the rustbucket and as they laid out everything that they had gotten you told them that you needed to do something real quick in the gas station.

And after arriving you then went into the bathroom and washed your face as you then began to vomit a few seconds later in the toilet and after getting yourself cleaned up again you then went and got something real lite for you to eat and drink to feel much better than you do now.

And as you got back inside the rustbucket Gwen then grabbed your left arm while Ben grabbed your right arm saying that they wanted to spend the rest of the day with you as for Gwen she had a coupon and for Ben it was the fact that you are his best friend and after you got them both to settle down and got them to let go of you.

You then told them that it would take a while to get to where you all are going to next so that you could do rotations for who to spend time with while on the road when they were not busy doing whatever they want you would then hang out with that person and to that they both agreed and after saying that you then saw them first flip a coin, then rock paper scissors, and many more until you then told them you were thinking of a number and closest gets to spend a the first day of this new schedule with you.

And after saying that you saw Ben and Gwen think really hard about what it could possibly be and after half an hour had passed they both said their answer.

Ben: "10."

Gwen: "23."

And you told them they were both wrong for the number and Gwen was the closest as your number was 10,000 that you would spend the next day with her which surprised both of them until you showed them that it was getting dark outside and that they day was almost completely over already.

And after saying that you all then began to get ready for bed as you were on your PDA putting all the info you had learned and saving it in their own individual folders as you then made a new one and put all that you had just learned about you mark inside it and then began to go to bed.

Also, happy belated Christmas to all of you hope you enjoyed, and I promise you all whenever the Christmas ones come I will try and make them more special and hope you all enjoy it so until next time have fun stay safe and peace.

Also, happy belated Christmas to all of you hope you enjoyed, and I promise you all whenever the Christmas ones come I will try and make them more special and hope you all enjoy it so until next time have fun stay safe and peace

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(Imagine they are younger and that the guy in the middle is you is you)

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