A New Dawn

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The times have changed for young Y/n as he has some how woken up in the future with no knowledge of how the heck it happened and the only reason he knows its the future is because a statue of both him and Ben stand at attention next to each other like their taking part in an eternal staring contest.

What was interesting to note however was the fact that he seemed to be a bit farther into the future than he was previously as the statues seemed to have aged quite a bit with some parts seeming to be worked on while others were falling apart.

Interestingly enough however was the fact that there seemed to be a lot of aliens that could shift like he could which made him a little embarrassed but at the same time a little proud in the end since most of them seemed to also inherit his since of justice.

Of course since they have his sense of justice that means there were a lot of criminals being used like tennis balls while others were basically giant mice being played with by giant cats along with lots and lots of senseless destruction as cars and other such things were constantly flying around the place.

Heck when a car almost hit him no one seemed to bat an eye, which caused Y/n to be very curious as to why? And the answer came to him when an entire family van basically ran him over from how fast it was going with Y/n barely managing to stop it from breaking the nearby store.

Y/n honestly wondered just why this thing was so heavy and that's when he looked in and saw a bunch of Tetramand's, Petrosapien's, and Pyronites with collars or bracelets possibly to not melt those around them.

But thanks to them and their van hitting him he saw that they along with the van seemed to have some sort of force field that protected them from dangers like this along with hopefully much stronger things since if his descendants had his ingenuity then there's no way that couldn't become gods if they had it since they were born.

It was kind of cute seeing the mix's that were his kids from the people he loved... however there were quite a few of them that didn't make any sense as he didn't know anyone with pink hair other than Gwen in her anodite form and he's fairly certain that doesn't really count in terms of genetics all that much.

Along with her were some darker looking ladies that he could make some guesses on but nothing solid for who they might be and unless Y/n suddenly becomes the worst version of himself than he also gets together with some Tetramand or they could just be normal and have that as another form.

Either way somethings have happened that lead him to finding new people or new aliens decided to become friends with earth to the point he was doing that his future grandchild made the moves on them.

Looking at the chaos that was going on all around him Y/n could very much tell which of these groups of his own blood had come from Sibella as they all were just as possessive as their mother and were just as destructive to those around them if they even thought of trying anything with the person of their desires.

Y/n at the time was just going to let everything go as this wasn't his time so he didn't feel like he had any sort of say in what happens here especially if the people around seemed already used to it, along with construction companies being able to fix almost as fast as what got destroyed.

What caused him to get involved however was when one of these fighting groups almost destroyed Ben's statue in the process of their fighting and from the look on the little brats face as they twirled their foe around and launched them without a care in the world was enough to let Y/n know that it was time to stop!

Cracking his neck Y/n jumped all the way up towards the thrown alien and gently brought them back down to earth as they acted like a very scared cat that was being saved from a tree too high for them to get back down from.

This act seemed to trigger everyone around who shared his blood as everyone else ran for the hills quite literally with even the scared cat alien running for dear life like they just saw the devil or something.

It didn't take Y/n too long to realize why however as two of his descendants charged at him with high velocity drop kicks that Y/n managed to dodge as he only needed to walk like a crab for them to miss as he also grabbed both their legs and slammed them both into the ground.

Next came two hoards of all different shapes, sizes, colors, and species as each and every single one of them charged at Y/n as he just sighed before he started fighting everyone to the best of his abilities.

Which honestly wasn't that much as they all seemed to rely more on brute force than actual skill with almost all of them not accidentally teaming up with one another that did a bit more damage before they started fighting it out before fighting Y/n.

Honestly it was interesting to see but also very sad to see if this was what was in store for his own family if they were to all act like barbarians that couldn't even do the most basic of team work with one another.

Some of the giant kids finally managed to hit the ground, giving Y/n access to their arms so he could run up and smack them across the face with a twirling kick or upcut them harder than anything else before as he grabbed some of them and threw them at the other giants.

This in turn caused almost an entire part of the city to be destroyed had Y/n not used Slime and crystals fusion to make giant pillars to support them and keep them for breaking the area as much as possible while also fighting the others and fixing their messes they were about to cause.

At the end of it all Y/n stood atop his own statue as all of his descendants laid down the floor seeming to have had the time of their lives as they couldn't stop panting and smiling the entire time as superior versions of his children seemed to appear.

These seemed to be adults or at least older than them... and then Y/n found out the reason as to why which was because they were all ten and under mean Y/n curb stomped his great great great grand kids for messing around and having fun without realizing what they were doing was wrong causing him to cry heavily.

Thankfully they didn't seem to mind and in fact  thanked them since this was the quickest they had run out of steam ever and were now ready to listen to their elders as each and every single one of them left as Y/n looked on from his spot and wondered what happened to his friends?

And then Y/n heard his alarm going off and stumbled out of his bed with Ben standing next to him or rather over him as she had upgraded his alarm so as to let him now about everything she had done last night with some fire circle people.

It was an interesting tale of hers one that he would have loved to pay attention to more but he was both groggy from just waking up and the way she was sitting made it hard for him to truly focus on everything she was saying up until the point she mentioned Vilgax.

Once he heard that name Y/n completely forgot everything about the dream he had and was slowly forgetting upon waking up and started wondering what Ben had done in the past few hours as he slept.

Meanwhile Professor Paradox stood on the top of Y/n's shiny statues head as he held his pocket watch and smiled as a scene of what might have come with his family lineage turning evil instead kept the path thanks to Y/n teaching them that theirs always someone stronger out there even if you have yet to find them.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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