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Summer break has just ended and everyone was reunited with their families which was good for everyone else but Y/n since when they walked inside they were greeted with hugs, kisses, and the warmth that could only be given by someone there to greet them.

Y/n: "Even today there not here. (Sniff while wiping away his tears)"

Walking to his room he starts redecorating the place a bit so he could fit all the things that he got and kept while on his adventures with Ben, Gwen, Charmcaster, Grandpa Max and most importantly.

Y/n: "No that's my bed (Places makeshift bed on a ledge) and this is yours."

Sibella: "No No No I want to sleep here with you like usual!!!!"

Since the second they walked through the front door Sibella has refused to go back to normal and behave like she did before annoying Y/n to no end in the process but he gets over it very quickly because of how cute Sibella is.

Sibella: "So Darling what's fun around here?"

Y/n: "(Continues to move things around) Honestly (Grunts) Nothing for the most part all I do at home is do all my school work, then the house work, make some food for the family, make the grocery list, and any other chores that need doing around the house."

Sibella: "(Shocked faced) Darling you need to rest and relax more that can't be healthy."

Y/n: "It's not (Another him comes into the room) but thanks to my new abilities everything is a whole lot easier."

Sibella then hugs her owner before trying her best to walk while getting some help from any of the nearest master she could find while she explores her new home occasionally knocking things over and almost breaking some of them but mostly breaking things.

As he worked on his house while also looking after his pet making sure that she is both okay and that the house remains intact with her doing her best to walk and act more human like than bat like which causes every version of him to sigh all at once as they could all see the destruction she is most likely going to accomplish.

After awhile the family phone starts ringing and every time he picked up the phone all his friends and loved ones are on the other end some fighting each other while others where just a pleasant conversation while they lasted.

Making him honestly looked more and more forward to school so he can talk and have fun for once since he never really saw or had any fun in his house and the most fun he did have was the last few hours where even though all he was doing was his normal house work.

But thanks to Sibella just being there brightening up the place while made even the most mundane task enjoyable while also a bit of worry but for the most part he loves just having her and pretty much anyone there with him.

While he worked on his room he found both his old memory box that his parents gave him when they were afraid of him forgetting them or him getting lonely while they were away.

Sibella: "(Hugs Y/n) Are you okay."

Y/n: "Yea (sniff) why?"

Sibella: "You're eyes are leaking."

Y/n: "(Rubs head causing her to become even cuter) I'm fine just remembering a better time when my parents weren't so busy with work."

He also found everything he kept that Ben had given him over the years of their friendship and random things that they made together which made Sibella a bit annoyed but unlike usual she left it alone because she saw how happy it made Y/n.

Y/n: "What do you want to eat?"

Sibella: "Masters favorite."

Y/n: "Can you even eat human food like this?"

Sibella: "Don't know but I will try me best (hits chest to show confidence)."

With a smile on his face he started to make his favorite food for both him and Sibella and as he was cooking his parents finally got back from work and when he looked over he saw Sibella turn back into her normal self looking a bit flustered in the process.

Mom: "Hey how was your trip."

Dad: "Again sorry we couldn't come with; you know how it is."

Y/n: "I had a great time (under his breath) [might have been better if either of you where there]."

Dad: "What was that?"

Y/n: "Foods almost done."

As he continued cooking his duplicates almost got caught a couple of times by his parents but for the most part they didn't notice anything different about him other than the most obvious being Sibella resting on top of his head.

Mom: "(Setting the table) You know it's not a good idea letting her rest there."

Dad: "You're mother's right letting whatever it is get into the habit of doing that will make things harder when you get older."

Y/n: "(Fake smile) You're right mother, father but she looks to cute to move."

Mom: "(Grabs and places her in his room with some bat feed.) You need a cage for it otherwise it'll cause problems."

Dad: "I don't know she seemed tame enough."

And with a sigh his parents started fighting once again and only stopped once he walked in with the food and as everyone ate in silence like most meals they could all faintly hear Sibella cry but no one did anything after Mom closed his door.

Mom: "It's for the best getting to dedicated to each other is not going to help anyone."

Dad: "Well I think (opens door) a kid bonding with his pet is for the best."

And just like that his parents start arguing with each other and like always Y/n just walks into his room but this time he has someone to talk to without it sounding like his parents have a bad relationship.

Y/n: "They love each other it's just the stress of their work that's causing them to act like this."

"At least I hope it is." Was what he wished for in his head and only once the arguing quieted down did he leave his room so he could clean up and get ready for the next day but this time he had could spend some quality time with Sibella.

Once they both got clean Y/n looked into his parents rooms to see that they were both out cold asleep together in their bed and as he quietly closed the door he went to bed himself with Sibella begrudgingly sleeping in the bed that was made for her.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and next time is the start of Alien Force but until then stay safe and peace.

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