The Teacher of my Teacher

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As Y/n is looking inside a training room with what remained of Grandpa Max's new Plumber squad and his own little group, seemingly fighting it out between each other as a form of training through fire as one of the nearby instructors put it.

Plumber Instructor: "Our goal is to get them all accustomed to fighting in a way that feels good to them and if we have to send them to the med wing to do so than so be it."

Y/n: "Yea but it's not really fair for my guys since most of them were just normal people trying to live normal lives. There not exactly people who seem to want to become fighters and instead just want to control or reverse their abilities so that they could at least walk outside without these (picks up ID mask) stupid masks on there faces the entire time."

Plumber Instructor: "So your saying my fifty years of training cadets isn't the best... BOY (he said like he was spitting out the word possibly full of hate or at least anger)!"

Y/n: "Well first of all might I add that you look very young for your age."

Plumber Instructor: "Zank you."

Y/n: "I just meant that your style of teaching isn't really something I want for them unless they themselves want it. And so far to my knowledge at least none of them want to be like Ben, me, or even Kevin when he wasn't a monster (makes a sphere and starts messing with it as he throws it around in many different ways and catches it in many more.) All they  really want is not be seen different or at least feel like as Joshua seems to be totally fine along with Umbra being the way they are but I can see or at least hear how Berry and the new girl Patty just want to be normal again."

Plumber Instructor: "(Scoffs) What is this normal you speak of? Is there truly anyone human, alien, frog, dog, nanomechamorphs or even the Galvans? Everyone single one of them that I have meet was nothing like the last. They are all different and the only thing becoming part alien has done for any of them is just enhance what makes them special."

Y/n: "I mean I agree with you on that but, still I just want all of them to be the best they can be and not feel like they are being forced into being soldiers of war who are expected to fight for the Plumbers should they be called upon."

Plumber Instructor: "Why not? We've given them more than enough resources and places to rest and train without being worried of others seeing them, why not have them work for once in their lives and help the noble Plumber cause (he says standing at attention with one hand on his chest and the other behind him like he's waiting to salute.)"

Eventually (Y/n honestly doesn't know how) but Y/n eventually agreed to take part in the mans training regime so that he could understand what he wanted from everyone who was to be taught under his command. And in doing so Y/n's little group would be allowed to do whatever the wanted the entire time and not be forced to do anything that they might not want to be a part of so that Y/n could finally be happy be pleased to get his way.

The first few days of the training honestly weren't anything that hard to do with the toughest thing being him having to do all of it near the end of it with the Instructor guy being either on top of Y/n along with a bunch of heavy things as he worked out or the same but Y/n was dragging them across more than anything.

Weirdest thing about all of that however had to be the fact that whilst doing that he could see Sam, Berry, and Patty all look and take pictures of Y/n whilst he was taking a little breather. Mind you he didn't have a shirt on since how could he still have one on after doing a training that was made to break men as he never stopped training till the Instructor felt like letting him stop.

It would only be later in life that he learned this was them making money off any girl that wanted a rare picture of Y/n looking the way he did which Y/n of the future just shrugged once he found out since it was something that already happened so there was little to no point in even getting mad over it.

Anyway the days after it all began weren't the best as it honestly seemed like the Inspector was more or less looking for ways/ reasons to get Y/n to stop or force Y/n to stop the training to show how either weak willed Y/n was or just how petty the man could really be.

Like how one of the training courses was literally just him having to go through a simple training course that Y/n has done loads of time even when he was only 12. But the difference of it was the fact that he had to do each run as a different alien until the Instructor told him to stop or be forced to restart as he apparently used the same alien more than once.

And that was only on the first day of that bit of training as every day after that the course would change and the instructor would force Y/n to restart if he felt like his "combos" as Y/n called them were either to simple, similar to the last, or whatever contrived reason he could think of.

Eventually it got to the point that Y/n was now able to recite the entire conversation with guy before he even opened his vaguely French? Russian? Speaking mouth as Y/n broke one of the many rules or whatever the guy had thought of and while Y/n honestly didn't care since he's honestly heard worse things in his life just playing an online shooting game.

All in all though Y/n did have a good time under the man's training because while it was complete and utter insanity that was made to crush those taking part in whatever devilish idea he came up with in the name of "training" that most certainly wasn't a mad power trip in anyway. At the end of it all Y/n could still see that there was a method to his madness and it worked wondrously with soldiers and people who wanted to be hero's at the end of the day.

But Y/n was still adamant about it not being something for his group as even though they proved that during all of this they wanted to train to get stronger, Y/n was still going to do it his way in which he would try to get them to be one with their abilities and themselves before actually getting into anything serious in terms of combat training.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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