Family Meeting

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While Y/n is on the phone with Frightwig checking up on how their going about a normal life and if they need any help while also talking about random things and what they would like to do together once she gets her free day.

Y/n: "(Over Phone) So how much longer till then."

Frightwig: "(Over Phone) Hold on let me check (bed creaking with some crinkling and swishing until she comes back) okay so according to what I was given (page flipping sound) I'm free next week."

Happy at hearing the good news he checks the date on his calendrer while Sibella pouts but quickly changes her tune once her owner starts playing her favorite game with her until she is completely exhausted while smiling smugly at her self assigned position of his favorite.

Getting ready to play some Sumo Slammers online Y/n starts checking over everything he would possibly need to finally beat Ben and get the title of Sumo Slammer online so he can finally get her to stop bragging about doing so.

Y/n: "Okay Snacks check, soda check, multiple controllers check, Sibella taken care of (looks towards his room) check now all I gotta do is sit back relax (leans in chair) and whoop that smug look of Ben's face (twirls controller) there's absolutely nothing that can possible ruin this for me."

All of a sudden Y/n hears a knock on his door which is very odd since the only people who know where he lives would have called him at least before hand to let him know they were coming over and when he opened the door much to his shock, horror, and annoyance it was his parents  that showed up.

Y/n: "(Awkwardly) Hey Mom hey Dad uhhhh what brings you two here..... all of a sudden..... with no warning or mention at all."

Dad: "(Barges in) Now don't be like that son you're Mom and I were nearby and thought it would be nice to visit you."

Mom: "(Closes door as she walks in) He's right now that we have so much free time it's kind of hard to remember what we used to do before work."

Dad: "(Laughs) She's right so (notices game console and rushes towards it) hey son nice console you got here can it connect to this bad boy (brings out very old game cartridge)."

Y/n: "Uhhhhh.... no dad it can't run that."

Dad: "(Grins) Oh really now are you sure that it can't run this game."

Y/n: "(Sighs as he turns another console into a universal gamming system that can play anything) there now at least that can."

Dad: "Thanks son (puts game and waits for it to fully start up) this may take a while so have fun without me dear."

Before he even said that Mom started looking through her sons things to see how he has been living on his own and also to see what secrets that he may be hiding from them but so far she hasn't found anything that demands a talk from her yet.

The only thing that was his salvation was that since they knew about his condition they also found out about Sibella during one of her episodes where she refused to turn back to her bat form and at first his parents gave him and the girl a talk that was until they realized that the girl was Sibella when she got tired and turned back into a bat.

So thanks to that they knew about Sibella and how she acted especially when someone woke her up so while he was talking to both of them he was hiding any and everything that would cause a talk.

Having no where else to go Y/n's Mom turned to the one place that was left his bed room where a still sleeping Sibella was currently staying and watching his mother get closer and closer to opening the door and seeing everything he hid felt like something straight out of a horror movie.

But thankfully just as she was about to enter the forbidden zone Dad's game finally started up honestly startling both of for a bit before they heard him yell in excitement as the game sounds started playing.

Mom: "Hmm maybe next time I can see your room son."

Y/n: "(Chuckles nervously) Yeah.... next time."

Mom: "............................... Okay just hope you stay safe."

Y/n: "I'm always safe."

Mom: "Mhm sure."

Mom then calls to Dad for him to stop playing the game for a bit so they can have a family meeting/ moment before they leave their son alone again for a bit.

The conversation was mostly about how much he had spent the last few months and also what they heard online and around the area about certain creatures fighting other creatures and how worried they were about him (well Mom was while Dad thought he'd take care of them).

Mom: "I just want you to know that if you need anything me and your Father will always be there for you even though things aren't the same as when you were a kid."

Y/n: "Yea I know I wish you two best of luck as well."

Dad: "Thanks son (pats back) You're our one true pride and joy next to the company of course."

Saying that Mom stomped on Dad's foot as they both left but only after giving him more money and a bag of of his favorite snacks and food before they both head off to do what ever it is they do with their company.

At least he's thankful that thanks to them quitting and starting up their previous job they seemed a lot happier and surprisingly a lot richer a well which may have been nice all things considered but kind of sucked when people saw him as their son instead of him when they first meet.

Before they fully left Y/n made a portable console for his Dad and a picture of their entire family Sibella included in a heart shaped locket and as they hugged, cried, and said their goodbyes Y/n almost forgot what he wanted to do today and was just barley able to get to work in the game before Sibella woke up.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace

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