Tourist Trap.5

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After finding out everything that had happened with Ben fighting the yellow battery aliens you then put in all of the information that Ben had told you he could now do and what he did to trigger it and also put the info of the aliens as MegaWatts in your PDA.

But there were a few problems after the events that happened because of the MegaWatts and Ben being an idiot and causing all of the problems that came from them, and the other problem was that you did not feel any pain at all when you hit the ground even when you fell and made a crater.

You now knew you were becoming less and less of a human because no human should live from making a crater or from falling as high as you did from the sky and you knew that you where changing everyday but this was something you could have never thought of doing and living from it.

You wonder what was changing inside of you and why you were becoming the being that you were but you also want to know how and the only clue to those questions that you had was the creature that you saw when summer began and Ben's Omnitrix but neither of you knew anything about either of those so you decided to put a pin in it and have fun while also trying to see what you could do so as to not over power anything else by accident.

And the day after you then went into the bathroom and after doing your daily routine you then tried to see what new things that you could do but no matter what nothing happened except for what you had already known about yourself.

As you left the bathroom you saw that Gwen was there with Ben calling each other names like they usually do but after you got out and as you stood in front of them, they then asked you about what your favorite things to do to relax where?

And after thinking about it for a while you told them that you had just enjoyed being able to spend time with the people he cares about and being able to have fun with others everyday without having the worry that they would leave in the middle without any reason explained.

And after they both looked both happy, embarrassed, and a little sad you then pulled both of them to go along with you so that you all could have some fun together without having to worry about any schedule or anything just having a great time with both of them before you have to leave to the next area since it will take a while until they can do as they please with the fresh air and ground as they please.

The whole was a day that was filled with nothing but you all just doing random things that you all had found fun while also playing pranks and creating mischief as well and then you went and had a little one on one fun time with both Ben and Gwen as you then just did everything that you could to give them a good time like they did with you.

When you hung out with Ben all you did was play Summo Slammers and have fun with each other talking about what shows we liked and making up dumb new moves like if you both were characters from the series while you also tried to give some advice to Ben to help him become a better hero.

And when you finished up hanging out with Ben as he then went to try and put into some practice from what you had then told him, you then went over to Gwen and then had a little date with her and talked about what you both liked about each other and then you heard her talk about what she would like to do in the future and in a little breath you heard her say some things that had also involved you.

And some of things you heard her say made both of you blush brighter red than Four Arms skin but you then gave her a sweet and gentle smile as you just enjoyed having someone like her want to be with you and even plan out a future for the both of you in a very detailed graph since it was the first time it had happened to you and the funniest.

And after you all had your fun you all then went back to Max and then had some fun with him as well and you all then tried to talk your way into him getting or making some real food as even you had no idea how to cook the things that he had stored in the fridge while you also tried to force yourself to eat it all and swallow with out puking this time for once.

And as you then finally got out of the bathroom you looked a little worse for wear than usual but that was how you always looked after eating the food that max had made for all of you and when you had gotten out both Ben and Gwen had some ice cream ready for you to enjoy and to hopefully bring back a little life and joy in your body as it looked like you really needed it.

And after a long while of consuming the ice cream and relaxing and playing some games with Gwen and Ben and sometimes Max when he got a break from driving to find a secured place to rest for everyone in the night.

And after a long day of having fun and enjoying everything that you all could come up with and offer it was then time for bed and after everyone got ready and was about to head off to their own dream lands Gwen then came up and gave you a kiss on the cheek and told you thanks for the most enjoyable date and with a smile on both of your faces you both then slept while dreaming of each other in wonderous locations.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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