The Unnaturals

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Ben: "Bottom of the ninth to out low count Tennyson winds up aand (Throws the ball.) No way this game has got to be rigged I totally nailed Ben Franklin."

Booth operator: "Knock over the Ben Franklin's you win a prize knock over squat you win squat."

As Ben walks away you pay to have a go yourself and when the man gives you all three balls you don't even really try as you just toss them and you bring everything down making the guy quite angry as he hands you your prize.

Y/n: "Nuh uh [You then throw the ball up and as it falls you catch it.] I still got two more tries."

You then grab both baseballs and toss them at the other standing Ben Franklin towers and when you made them all go down you could see and hear a little of the guy crying as you took his best prizes which you then gave to all the girls that you could to show that you cared.

Charmcaster: "How'd you do that?"

Y/n: "Four arms strength [You then flex your muscles.] Makes everything a lot easier when it's needed."

Charmcaster: "Isn't that cheating."

Y/n: "No more than what they do."

As you and Charmcaster try to catch up with everyone else you grab and shove Charmcaster down as a truck with a gun on the back of it starts driving through everything and everyone that was on the docks.

You tried to go after them but Gwen and Max let you know that Ben had already left to take care of it as Grey Matter and when you heard that you were both relived and worried because that meant Ben was now the smartest being in the world but still had Ben's personality and desires.

Worrying what Ben might do and be up to you started following them as you did so they got faster and so did while you also started getting hotter and hotter until you became a fire version of XLR8.

Worrying what Ben might do and be up to you started following them as you did so they got faster and so did while you also started getting hotter and hotter until you became a fire version of XLR8

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Turbo: "Hey mind if I drop in. No. Thanks anyway."

After saying that you melted their tires and then left as you didn't want to continue burning any more of the pier than you most likely already have just doing what you did by just trying to stop them and when you finally regrouped with the others you saw that Ben got something new.

Gwen: "Nice music pocket how'd you get it."

Ben: "Let's just say a little friend helped me make a lucky guess."

Gwen: "You used Grey Matter that's cheating."

Ben: "Whoa I didn't see any no aliens allowed signs."

Charmcaster: "Y/n did the same thing with the ball toss."

Gwen: "(Grunts in frustration.)"

Y/n: "In my defense what I did is all natural it's just mine is different from others."

Grandpa Max then told Ben to check out that his hometowns little league baseball team the Cannons had just made the finals of the little league world series and as Ben asked if they could go there Gwen was just listing all the faults Ben has when it comes to playing the game.

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