Secrets within part 1

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Gwen: "I hear normal kids normally spend their normal summer vacations at the beach, or the mall, oh that's right we were supposed to go to the mall today."

Grandpa Max: "Sorry honey. Got a little side tracked,"

Charmcaster: "Normal sounds boring anyway."

Dr.Animo: "This nuclear reactor is the perfect way to detonate my DNA bomb into the atmosphere and de-evolutionise the world."

There is a loud noise as Heatblast appears with you right next to him.

Gwen: "Took them long enough."

Heatblast: "Okay Animo science class is canceled."

Dr.Animo: "Fool in less than a minute the whole world will get a lesson it will never forget."

Y/n: "Like when you were disgraced by all you're fellow scientist."

Dr.Animo: "(Screamers) Attack my mutant master peace's."

Heatblast: "Bring it on I'll barbeque that bug (Heatblast then starts blasting causing a giant explosive chain reaction.) oh yea being a hero rocks."

Even though Ben had caused a massive explosion the giant bug that Animo had called out was still kicking and as it was about to attack both you and Ben for a second time Sibella came in as a giant fiery bat most likely looking for a snack.

Gwen: "Hey hotheads DNA bomb ticking over here remember."

Heatblast fired at what was holding everyone else and once he did they all started falling but Grandpa Max grabbed both Gwen and Charmcaster and once both of them were safely bound in his arms he used his grappling hook to safely get them all down.

Dr.Animo: "Even you can't generate enough heat to melt that casing."

Heatblast: "If I can't melt that down then I'll just have to turn it up."

Y/n: "Yo idiot what about me?"

You start running towards the reactor as you touch it and use all the knowledge upgrade with in you has but you weren't coming up with anything and Ben being Ben gets impatient and throws a giant fire ball at the reactor.

Gwen: "Ben, you don't know what that's going to do! Especially to Y/n!"

Heatblast: "Can't be any worst that what's going to happen if I don't."

Dr.Animo: "No. You're overloading the system!"

Heatblast: "That's the idea!"

As Ben heats everything up way past what normal levels they are supposed to be at a giant pulse of energy hits both you and Ben and the last thing you feel before being knocked out was hitting something hard and fast.

When you wake up everything is over but for some reason you can't really control your shifting all that well and with every step you take a part of you changes to that of a different alien so when everyone gets to a local mall you and Sibella are staying inside the Rust Bucket trying to figure out what happened while also trying to maintain control.

You're trance only breaks when everyone gets back and you hear from Gwen and Charmcaster that they got kicked out of an entire mall because of Ben and as Grandpa Max drove you all towards a quite resting spot both Charmcaster and Gwen try there best to tell and show you what the outfits they chose looked like to which you complimented them causing them to blush, squeal, and hit you in that order.

Ben: "Oh, morning already? Oh, somebody turn off the sun."

Max: "Oh, it's 3:30. The sun doesn't come up for another two hours."

Ben: "I don't know who that is, but he's gonna think twice before he changes my wake-up call. Going hero!"

A crystal that looks to have come from diamond heads race hits the ground in front of all of you and as you all gaze in wonder at meeting a lost friend but for some reason the man doesn't seem all that happy to see any of you.

Tetrax: "Good to see you again, Ben."

Ben: "Yeah. It's good to see you, too."

Gwen: "We haven't seen you since we took down SixSix together. How have you been?"

Tetrax: "I've been a little busy, but i came as soon as I heard."

You all then learn from Tetrax that unlike what Ben had stated the Omnitrix was counting down to explode and that the reason he came over was because the Omnitrix gives of a signal when it does so.

Tetrax also tells all of you about who the creator of the Omnitrix is and that he's the best hope any of you got on fixing the Omnitrix before everyone and everything gets blown to bits Tetrax then sees you freak out for a bit and when he asks you explain that just like the Omnitrix you started acting weird as well.

Tetrax then brings both you and Ben along with him to try and Azmuth and how he had planned on doing so and as Sibella, Gwen, Max, and Charmcaster tried to join Tetrax said that it was too dangerous and that too many people would only make matters worse.

And as you were all going in Sibella charged straight into you're chest with a grip you didn't even know something so small could have making it impossible to separate unless you fancied a lot of blood in the process.

Tetrax's ship then took off and as Tetrax showed Ben around the area you just wandered into the cockpit and sat down trying you're best to calm Sibella down and once you finally managed to calm her down enough for her to move.

Tetrax: "This is my pilot, Gluto."

Ben: "Hey."

Y/n: "Greetings."

Gluto then (what you can only guess is) shakes hands with both you and Ben and you didn't think there could be something more slimy than Swampfly but you were almost glad to be proven wrong by this thing.

Tetrax: "I assume you're both familiar with space-travel protocol?"

Ben: "(Lying) Oh sure."

Y/n: "Nope but I guess well find out then."

Gluto then does his job as a pilot and you all take off faster than anything you had ever felt before making you a little annoyed and jealous at the fact that you could probably never get anywhere near this speed.

Ben: "So this is what a pancake feels like! A-a-a-a-a-a-ah! Ah, hey! Yeah! Whoo-hoo!"

Y/n: "I never thought I'd say this but I'm a little jealous at how fast this thing can gooo!"

And that is all for now part 2 coming next week till then hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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