A Small Problem

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As all of you gather at the biggest and greatest water slide you hear Gwen and Ben recite the advertisement of it which you think is cute and amusing at just how exited they are because of it and as you all head in Ben gets stopped because he is just a bit shorter than the required height to go down the water slide.

After you and Gwen get inside you hear her make fun of Ben and then she started to cling onto your arm while blushing heavily at the fact of both what she is doing and the fact she is doing it in broad daylight.

And as you are both waiting for your turn to go down the water slide you are both very red from the sun and other reasons while you both are making awkward small talk and after a while you think you see something small, grey and familiar looking but you don't think it could possibly be what you think it could be.

But much to your dismay it is, and you and Gwen find that Ben had turned into Grey-matter whether it was on purpose or not did not matter because he still used it in public just because he could not meet the requirements to get in so both you and Gwen tried to find him after you both were finally allowed to go down the water slide to find Ben after he snuck in front of both of you.

After you all get out of the pool you and Gwen get after Ben for what he had did with Gwen even saying that she will tell Grandpa Max about what he had done which Ben was totally calm about saying how after a few minutes the watch will deactivate and he will go back to normal with no one but them realizing what he did.

After you all look away for a bit you both then see that a strange man had grabbed Ben which you both only realized when Ben started to shout for both of you to help and that he was being kidnapped and as you both go to Max to try and get his help with the problem after letting him know about everything that had just happened you both get to where the man was going but just missed him as he got into his car and drove away.

And as you both get inside the RV after getting dressed you both try and find Ben with hoping that he turned back into Ben, but Max said that he should have by now and that something must be wrong with the watch which did not help either you or Gwen from feeling worried about him.

As you all try to find out where the guy might have gone you procced to try and look the guy on the internet, but you can't find much of anything from the limited amount of data that you have of the guy other than he must live around the area, his features, and that he has a thing for aliens.

Then after a while you all get a call from Ben, and he then goes on to tell about everything that he can see and knows of to help you guys find him and get him free from this alien obsessed lunatic and then after a scientifically base of the layout he then says the street is called Ripley but can't say anymore because a loud alarm then began and then the call ends.

You then pull up all of the Ripley street names of the area and after seeing how many there are you then begin to tell them the directions of each of the nearest areas while you got rid of the names of the areas that did not have Ben and the guy who took Him's current address.

When you all to the first area you all get out of RV and break off so that each of you could go to one direction which failed for you because after looking around for a bit you saw no houses with security or anything else that would explain the sound you heard from the phone.

So after getting back to the RV Man and Gwen are there saying how it would be better to search from the RV rather than on foot to which you also agree before getting back to the computer to cross of the current street address.

After a while of searching you all find out where the kidnappers car was located and after trying to burst through the wrong area you and Gwen then see the guy get pushed into a different car before he and the kidnappers of him leave the area in their own car to which Max the puts the dog that was attacking him to sleep which impressed both you and Gwen before you all took off after getting the guys phone that fell out.

After finding the address through reverse tracing the recent number through the call log since it was their best guess as to where Ben was heading, and after a while you all then find what appears to be it which a man holding a spear and after hearing some info about them from Max you all then try to sneak in from a nearby tree but are caught but not for long as you jump down and knock the guy out after taking his spear and whacking him with it like a baseball bat.

After you all get in you soon find Ben after he shouts at you all after almost stepping on him much to all of your surprise and relief at seeing the little guy before you all are then forced to leave while being chased by the forever knights you all then get in a room of alien artifacts that only Grey Matter seems to understand what they are for.

Just then some forever knights show up with the kidnapper in tow while you and Max try and hold them off while Ben and Gwen continue building whatever Ben was thinking of and when it is finished, he tells you all to leave which you all proceed to do gladly and after a while you all are reunited together fully at last as the forever knights castle is destroyed before you all then leave after annoying the kidnapper enough to say he is done with aliens.

And finally at last as everything is back to normal you all then begin to go to the next area of your vacation before Gwen annoys Ben enough to slam his hands on the table and as it sparks you all look worried as Gwen then says they need to find a repair man for that watch.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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