The Big Story

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Plants are something that's everywhere but what the heck is the point in having a clone of Y/n made out of plants if he looks like a mutated version of himself.

Yes the days are weird for Y/n and they just got a lot weirder when he went out with Gwen, Ben, and Kevin to look at a place that was giving out some strange readings which eventually revealed a pod alien that was trying to take over the world as most things apparently where when it comes to earth.

Because for some reason Earth seems to have a hit list with about everything else in the universe as they either want to take it over or destroy the place for any number of reasons to the point that Y/n isn't even fazed by it trying to take over the place as he had already helped to take out a killer plant as a literal child before.

But apparently because of the way his DNA works along with it still not being done doing whatever the heck it was doing to stabilize himself so that he could actually be whatever the heck type of thing he wanted without having to worry about becoming a monster like Kevin unless he chose to do so himself.

The best thing though probably had to be that this would probably be the first time he's had somewhat of a vacation from everything as he's just tied up inside the cave with the plant monster as it seemed very determined to make Y/n apart of it's army of pod people and everything which honestly was a very scary thought.

As what the heck would a rampaging Y/n be like if they either couldn't control their shifting abilities or just didn't seem to care at all about what happened to anyone else around them when any accidents would surly happen from the DNA going crazy.

Y/n looks around the place and just sees that alien strike him with the same DNA stealing tentacle that it had been using for the past few hours to try and make a perfect clone of himself only for all of them to either destroy themselves or weren't good enough copies.

With the exception of one said clone however as that was the only one that he saw that looked like looking in a mirror with the only exception being the fact that he both didn't have his powers and was also the exact opposite of Y/n in every way other than gender.

It was very interesting to see as he would try and boss the other's around only to then start obeying them really quickly just because they got a little closer than what he felt comfortable with and their was also the fact he didn't even know how to fight which just made it all the more entertaining when he tried to "discipline" Y/n.

So of course the beast then got destroyed by the plant monster to then be recycled into what it probably hoped would actually be the general of its new pod people army to help with the take over of Earth since this was the only way it could work as Y/n's body basically made any other way impossible.

As this was happening Y/n began thinking all about what he should do once he got out of here as he was honestly getting tired of being the princess in need of saving, like he didn't really mind it all that much but he kind of missed being able to do lots of cool stuff and actually be able to help the others out.

But whatever eventually Y/n got fed up about being prisoner of this plant creature so he got his pocket knife and began cutting away with it all the way until his hands were free and tried his best to make it as discreet as possible when he began cutting his legs free as well.

Thankfully it worked but honestly how fast could a normal guy run away from some plant pod creature along with out running all his friends when one of them can just change into a creature that can either fly, fly and faze through things, or just become speed and either beat him to where ever he was running or just beat him up in mere seconds.

Y/n however did manage to get away for a bit as they were either far enough away that the pod plant thing couldn't recall them or they were possibly out and about with other people that if they just up and left then they would have probably exposed the whole take over plan.

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