All That Glitters

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-Somewhere far off in a random desert on earth stands a young man with a black hoodie questioning his life choices. -

Y/n: "Why (Pants) Did I think that a black hoodie was a good idea (Pants) in a freaking desert (Short Flashback where Y/n, Ben, and Gwen had a fight) Oh yea because I wanted to get far away from them before anything too stupid happened."

Y/n finally climbs atop the giant rocky mountain that he seeing if he could climb and once he was finally at the top he took of his jacket and made it into a little pillow while he rested for a bit since even with Pironite DNA he could still get heatstroke.

*Theme song to a certain Sci-fi show*

Y/n: "(Awnsers) Hello?"

Kevin: "[Over Phone] Get your but down here (Screaching the distant) Now! I can't deal with the crazy bat any longer."

Y/n: "[Over Phone] I'll be right there."

Y/n hangs up the phone and puts it back where he got it as he puts his hoodie back on and proceeds to basically make him self into a jet as he flies at his max speed all the way back home and when he gets there he sees that Ben, Gwen, and Sibella are all making noise while Kevin looks annoyed.

Seeing that Y/n tries to back away slowly only for Kevin to scream out "Oh no you don't." As he grabs and throws you into the lions den and the last you see of him is him getting inside his car and rolling everything up as faint music is heard most likely at max volume.

Y/n: "(Thinks) Traitor."

After the hugging and hitting finished as well as Sibellas screeching everything finally calmed down as both Ben and Gwen proceeded to give Y/n a lecture on just vanishing like he did and they all only calmed down once he promised to never do it again without a heads up at least.

Once it was said and done they told you were they would all be meeting but before any of that happened Ben stood in front of Y/n with her wrist out slightly confused Y/n proceeded to kiss the fair Ben's hand like a gentlemen only for him to freak her out.

Ben: "Dude what the heck are you doing."

Y/n: "Uhhh.... Nothing what are you doing."

Ben: "[Show's Omnitrix] Uh hello (Points at it) Trying to help you get some DNA and only after saying it out loud do I realize how weird it sounds. But anyway you know what I mean."

Y/n: "(Chuckles before getting hit) Ow, alright I'll get serious."

Ben: "You better or it's clobbering time."

Y/n places his hand on the Omnitrix but nothing seems to happen but when Ben grabs and pulls him closer to her does it finally activate as Ben gives him a brief kiss on the lips while also punching him in the arm leaving him more than a little confused as they all leave with only Sibella to keep him company.

After a solid half hour Y/n finally comes back to his senses and it's only because one of the neighboring little kids threw a rock at him but that's not what woke him up what did was having to stop a rage fulled Sibella from destroying those little boys.

Once she was taken care of Y/n called for his bike as he head towards the school his friends were going to investigate but before he could get there he saw a zombie looking cheerleader fall face first into the road and after he finished wincing he picked her up and brought her to the nearest hospital with a $1000 just in case as he continued making his way towards the school.

Y/n: "[Looking at the school with the mansion behind it] (Whistles) Man this is one terrible school to go to."

Sibella: "(Squeaks in agreement even though she has no idea what a school is)."

Y/n walks in and sees that some of the female student bodie seem to either not really care about anything or their really tired or goth which either way seems totally normal at a these tips of school anyway.

And when Y/n finally meet up with everyone again he saw that they were hanging around some blond pretty both and from how it looked to him at least he had Ben and Gwen in the palm of his hand.

Which was not true at all true since both girls hated the way he looked at them and how he generally acted and the vibe he let out just made them want to leave a whole sooner but they finally enjoyed him being there when they saw Y/n and how it made him feel.

Feeling that it time he felt how they did the pretended to enjoy his company while Kevin watched all of this go down and at one point no one knows when but everyone involved at one point saw Kevin eating a bag of popcorn.

Anyway while everyone looks around pretty boys mansion and all the Plumber gear he has there Y/n and him eventually meet and shake hands.

Y/n: "Names Y/n nice to meet you (Offers hand to shake)."

Pretty boy: "Michael Morningstar and the pleasures all mine (Shakes hand)."

But no matter how hard they tried it seemed like their bodies just could not come into contact with one another and eventually they both stopped and went their separate waves while Y/n looked like he wanted to beat Pretty boy down a peg or two.

Eventually though Y/n fell onto the floor with no one really two worried about it except for Pretty boy and that probably only to save face.

Ben: "Don't worry he does that a lot."

Pretty boy: "Really? It can't be healthy."

Gwen: "You'd be surprised at just how healthy he his."

When Y/n finally wakes back up he sees Pretty boy glowing, a very angry bat, drained Gwen, as Ben and Kevin fight the glittering boy band wanna be and when he stands up Pretty boy blast him with his energy beam.

Pretty boy: "No one can stop me! I am destined for more than any of you could possibly imagine."

Y/n: "(Coldly and somewhat demon like) BOY! The only thing your destined for it is a beating that even the next generation will feel."

Pretty boy: "What that doesn't..."

But before he could even finish a very big Fourarms/ Humangasour fusion with Diamondhead and Swampfires hands grab onto the annoying brat and just start slamming him left and right over and over until he got bored with that hand to witch he switched to his other one that started slamming him up and down instead.

When he finally got tired of slamming the man (Not really it was a blast but he had to since he was technically the good guy) he threw the man behind him into a soft bed of debris as he turned back to normal and left noting that everyone there looked a whole lot better and healthier.

Y/n: "Hey what happened when I was passed out.'

All three of them: "(Smiles) Nothing..."

And a final frame just shows Y/n running after them while an eager Sibella flies after as the three of them run away back towards Kevin's car playfully.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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