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Wes: "Navajo legend says the web of the dream catcher protects the dreamer by holding the nightmares in the center while good dreams travel down the feathers to bless the person sleeping."

Ben then yawns as Gwen pushes her away while you take a small dream catcher keychain to take with you everywhere while making sure Sibella doesn't try to take or damage anything like she had with all your stuff in the RV.

Ben: "I know mister green is grandpas old buddy, but could this trip get any more boring."

Was all you heard as when you caught up with Ben, Gwen and Charmcaster you were mesmerized by some girl doing a Native-American dance and you only came back to your senses when all the girls in your life smacked you back to normal.

Wes: "Thats my granddaughter Kai."

Max: "Wes last time I saw her she was barley walking now look at her."

Wes: "(Watching his daughter perform) She is preforming a ceremonial Navajo dance."

When Kai finishes preforming her ceremonial dance, you fix up your hair a bit only for it to get ruined seconds later by Sibella as she rests on your head like a gargoyle.

And before you could say anything Sibella got your attention as she showed you some weird weather appearing.

Charmcaster: "You sure you're not doing a ran dance."

Kai: "Positive why?"

The second she asked that Rain appeared with purple lightning striking the areas around the town and as everyone else runs for cover as Max yelled that there was going to be a flash flood you stayed put with Ben as you both tried to calm Sibella down enough to be able to leave and get to higher ground.

When both then see a giant wolf like creature appear in front of you before it then takes off as you and Ben try and make it to higher ground before the flood comes in.

As you both barely make it the flood then comes crashing through as but before any of you could rest and feel safe Kai then comes down being taken away by the flood and as Ben tries to go hero you jump of the building and ride a trash can towards her

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As you both barely make it the flood then comes crashing through as but before any of you could rest and feel safe Kai then comes down being taken away by the flood and as Ben tries to go hero you jump of the building and ride a trash can towards her.

As you both barely make it the flood then comes crashing through as but before any of you could rest and feel safe Kai then comes down being taken away by the flood and as Ben tries to go hero you jump of the building and ride a trash can towards her

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