Last Laugh

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The day starts off as normal as one can when you live the life you do, because you are out and about the pier watching Ben take down some robbers as Ripjaws.

And while you are doing that you are also winning at some game and earning some cool stuff to give to everyone and also someone special who you thought might need it which has also led to some "problems" between you, Gwen, and Ben because of all t...

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And while you are doing that you are also winning at some game and earning some cool stuff to give to everyone and also someone special who you thought might need it which has also led to some "problems" between you, Gwen, and Ben because of all the gifts but more Gwen then Ben when she saw you keep something for someone else but it was all solved when she saw a sign for the circus in town.

When you all arrive at the circus it is clear to you all that Ben does not want to be here at all and is trying to find any way of getting to leave, he can but as you all get closer to the stage you all hear.

Announcer: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen as I proudly introduce the freak teens watch as they amaze and preform in ways that even make grown men and women blush at their skill."

And after hearing that you just started to tune him out to see that the girl you had met some time ago was called Frightwig and you saw that she could see you as well because when she did there was a little blush on her face and to your surprise and everyone else's she was told to bend the beam and when she did it came out like a heart.

And as it did everyone thought aww before it was then given to one of the other freak teens as he then drooled on it and it and the anvil it had landed on melted into a liquid of metal goo and after seeing that was over you saw Ben start to leave and you decided to follow him but before you could you felt something tugging at your arm and saw that it was some of Frightwig's hair.

So you began to follow it and when you did you saw her standing there looking very cute for someone who is a few years older than you, you think and after coming over to where she stands you then give her the necklace that you had won from the pier earlier.

So you began to follow it and when you did you saw her standing there looking very cute for someone who is a few years older than you, you think and after coming over to where she stands you then give her the necklace that you had won from the pie...

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And as you gave it to her you saw her beam up as bright as day but then for some reason she then looked sad like she was becoming dawn and then she mouthed the words.

Frightwig: "S-O-R-R-Y."

And that was the last thing you remember before you felt something hit your head and when it did you were now inside a different place then the one that you had been going to a lot of times whenever you were to pass out for any reason what so ever.

After seeing that you were in a different place you then tried to move around and that's when you had realized that you could not move a single muscle in your body to get free and then you felt yourself start to move in a direction that you felt like nothing good was going to happen when you reached wherever you were going.

And you were right for when you did stop moving you then felt a mix of different things happing to you, because you felt a very giant weight start to form on you then you started to smell something toxic and then you began to float above everything.

And then nothing you felt relieved but also anxious about what might happen to you next or what is happing right now as you feel like something bad is happing and you are going to be in the center of what might come next.

And to your surprise and also delight even if only a little you had found out that the reason you were like how you were was because you had been bound up so tight that there was nothing that you could sense or do to try and get free.

And after what felt long a long time of passing you then felt yourself hover over to a brand-new direction and to your surprise and shock it was Frightwig as when she took off your mask/helmet that was put on you she then put her hand over your mouth and told you to be quiet.

And when you reassured her that you would be that was when she took her hand off of your mouth and started to tell you about what was happing to both you and what they really do for a living.

And the only thing that you could feel was anger but also sadness for you thought you had found this cute and sweet girl only to find out that she and the rest of her band were just a bunch of petty crooks that did whatever they pleased and trampled on everyone's emotions.

But as if she could feel what you were feeling towards her and the rest of the group she then showed you the necklace you had given her and she told you that she was sorry for this happing to you but that she was also really happy to have been given something and not having to take it instead.

And she also told you about how this was the only way that she and the rest of the group could live their lives because no one else seemed to care about them but what shocked you the most was that she told you that everyone was trying to get rid of your permanently but that she was able to convince them to allow you as her pet instead which neither of you were happy about but she was just glad that she could find a way to let you live even at as low a position that you were.

But as soon as she freed the rest of your body she gave you a hug to which you feel her be happy about but then she pushed you away for being too close to her for someone that just met each other but you had also told her that no matter was you were happy that you got to meet each other and that whenever she eventually gets locked up you would try to visit or talk with her as much as you could.

And after hearing that you saw her blush bright red and then leave to probably do some more crime or continue with her carnival act and when you thought the coast was clear you had then left and gotten lost a bit but when you did finally get out you saw Gwen and Ben and you then ran up to both of them.

And when you did you were given a smack and a hit from both of them for leaving for as long as you were and then given a hug by them as they said they were worried and after you all had left your hug fest you then went over to where you found Frightwig and were happy that she still had her necklace and then you went over to the cop car she was in and then told her you promised before walking back to the rustbucket to continue on with your day with the rest of your makeshift family.

And that is all for now and also thanks to100percenter for the idea and if anyone else has some let me know but they must be from ben 10 and give me a reason as to why they should be in the harem and for people that are not in the Og series let me know what you think would be reason as to why they should be there, that's all I have to say and until next time stay safe and peace.

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