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As you and the Tennysons are all lined up to get you are all in line with Ben trying to get the newest Sumo Slammers game Sumo Slammers 2.1. and after a while of waiting Gwen and Max then left because they both got tired of waiting in line for a game that was literally the same as the one Ben already had while you were in line to get a new game yourself just not the Sumo Slammers one.

When both of you finally get your games, you also get a copy of the newest Sumo Slammers game to play along with Ben and anyone else who wants to play with you either you or both of you and as you both are playing both Gwen and Max come in and Gwen starts talking about how Ben flipped over a stupid game.

And as both of you look at each other completely shocked and confused as to why Gwen was blaming Ben for something as both of you had been inside playing games all day and after Gwen shows you both an image of what looked to be four arms you both then left and tried to figure out who that four arms look alike was.

After walking around for a bit, you both see what looks to be Four arms and after wandering around for a bit you then start to hear Gwen talking to someone and when you go over and see who it is you see that an alien that looks like Heat Blast almost blast Gwen.

To which you then use the power of XLR8 and stop both her and Ben from getting hit by the fire from the bad Heat Blast after you look towards Ben who turned into Diamond Head to fight against the new bad guy and before either Ben or you could do anything a bunch of coins fall on top of both of you and both of you see that this new foe was really Kevin who you both meet before.

And after the reveal he then explains that after the battle he had with Ben last time he gained enough of his freakish power to become any of his alien forms but with the downside being that he could only be human for a short while because of it which led him to commit crimes in Ben's name ruining his reputation while also having Ben do the time for his crimes.

After Kevin turn into Stinkfly and leaves you all are left to deal with the law and as only Ben looks different you pretend to be a hopeless kid trapped with a big, strange monster man while being embarrassed over the whole thing only for it to get worse with Gwen laughing harder than you had ever heard her laugh before as Ben then leaves and tries to not get caught.

And after a while you are able to meet up with each other again with Ben having turned back to normal and Gwen putting on an act after she had stopped laughing as hard as she did with you having to embarrass yourself to not be a suspect in the alien crime spree.

After you all get inside both you and Gwen find out that Kevin has been a little busy with his crime spree going from Tallahassee, Chicago, and Barstow all while looking like one of Bens aliens destroying all the good that he had done so far before a trolly train then started rushing past the Rust Bucket with everyone on board screaming for help.

So, both you and Ben decide to help this time with you wearing something to hide your face so those government agent guys don't see who you really are as both you and Ben then leap towards it only to find out that the entire thing was being controlled by Kevin as upgrade as he then left once, he felt like you all were going to crash and burn.

Ben then tried to turn into Upgrade to try and help everyone with him instead turning into Wild Mutt and you tried to help by making your legs spikes from Diamond Head to try and slow it down while Ben tries his idea to also help everyone on board while trying not to hurt anyone else or get caught by the SACT guys.

After a while you see Ben then go over to the Rust Bucket that had gotten closer to both of you and did something from the top of the roof of the Trolly from what you heard before everything finally stopped just before you all fell into the pier.

But before either you or Ben could get back inside the Rust Bucket the guy in charge called Steel was not going to let either of you because wherever there were alien problems you all were nearby but before anything else could happen, he got a call about Kevin as Diamond head causing problems at a nearby bridge.

But of course, you and Ben had to clean up after Kevin since you both were kind of responsible for the mess that Kevin had made so you all then drove off to where all the SACT members were located, and you both then made your own ways up to the top of the bride to help bring down Kevin and stop him before he could make things worse.

As you fly up with Stink fly's wings you see that Ben had just saved the SACT leader Steel and not wanting to be left out of the fight you then try to use Heat Blasts fire power as well and as you do so you expect to feel tremendous pain but instead you feel like you are getting hit by a light punch instead.

So, you then start to fly by and fire at Kevin while Ben then starts to put the smack down on him that is until Kevin has had enough with both of you tag team fighting him and both of your one liner jokes cause him to then fuse all the aliens into one which turns him into.

So, you then start to fly by and fire at Kevin while Ben then starts to put the smack down on him that is until Kevin has had enough with both of you tag team fighting him and both of your one liner jokes cause him to then fuse all the aliens into...

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And as you look at what might be your future you then see Kevin start to freak out as he is no longer able to even change back into his human form and blames both you and Ben for turning him into the freak that he is.

And after proclaiming himself to be now called Kevin 11 he then gets shot down by Steel and his men before then falling into the ocean below as you and Ben then leave with Steel giving the okay and later both you, Ben and Gwen are all playing the newest game together after you coerce Gwen into agreeing after getting the all clear from Steel to leave and continue on with the ultimate road trip.

And that is all for now as you have leveled up in skill and until next time stay safe and peace.

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