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Every day of every moment that Y/n uses his powers they all seem to continue to cost him greatly with the serum he had made even if he enhances it to the best of his abelites every single time whilst also changing certain components to make it newer and harder for his body to be able to fight against it.

And while he does have it bad it's thankfully not nearly to the point of being like Umbra's as he could still think rationally and normally but that could also be because of that fact that getting to that point has a different affect per whatever he and Umbra are.

Cause for all he knows one day its all going to stop working and he'll just turn into a giant monster that would make even monster Kevin blush like all the other girls around him or he could just turn into a cocoon again as that seems to happen to him a lot when it comes to his powers.

With every passing day it seeming harder and harder for him to control himself quite literally from loosing it and if it was this bad for him only the Plumbers know what's happing to Umbra whilst he's in their care as he from what Y/n could remember hadn't had his powers for long and seemed to get a stronger spike of power than what Y/n had when he was a kid randomly stumbling through the forest.

Looking back if his parents hadn't left him with Grandpa Max and Ben for the summer for the sake of their own jobs then he wouldn't have ever happened and honestly.... there are days when Y/n wishes they had never left to work that day even if it meant not being the same man as he is now heck for the most part that's exactly why he wonders what life would have been like had he never left.

But since he has no way to look into other realities nor does he really want to since if he were to find an alien like that they would get the same treatment as Alien X DNA which was being rejected with every Atom in his body repulsing it as hard as it could.

And if it were to ever fail then the DNA would get locked away forever inside the deepest parts of his entire being so that even if he wanted to use the power he either couldn't or there would be very heavy restricts on the usage of them.

The only reason he knows any of this is from Way Big DNA as it's too big, power, and radiates cosmic energy to the point it would have made living normally impossible unless he were to start wearing Plumber safety suits.

But the worst part about all of it was the fact that he had to stop or lessen the amount of both contact he gives to others and also the amount of time he spends with his loved ones including Sibella as he doesn't know if and when the serum would wear off allowing his body to lose itself to the best of its abilities.

For there is nothing worse than not being able to be and touch the people we care about... but then again it might be a good thing for Sibella and the others because some of the ways they look and act around him make him wonder if their really teenagers or ten year old's.

Just the other day he couldn't see it if he were to look but thanks to the reflection of a mirror he saw Julia and Ben were poking, pulling, and whispering what was most likely insults towards one another all because of the movie they were all going to see.

In all fairness however Julie was the one who got the tickets for just her and Y/n with Ben "just so happened" to be there and while there is no real way of knowing if that were true or not seeing as how Ben was all alone, no ticket in hand, with her phone in hand with Gwen being shown to be on the other line... its not really hard to guess if she was lying or not but since it was all circumstantial Y/n just had to trust that she was telling the truth even thought she didn't leave Y/n and Julie alone.

Genius these two are not but Best Friends who could tell what the other was thinking from a single glance now that they had in spades which sometimes makes Y/n regret ever meeting Ben from how many ideas he had to practically force her not to do over the years... with most of the crazy ones happening before they got their powers.

Meanwhile with Julie at first you could be mistaken in thinking that she's some kind of angelic girl but... well lets just say that Y/n would rather face Kevin when he was still evil and Vilgax together at the same time before facing her once he knows he's in the dog house.

Thinking back on it that seems to be the case for all the women he's in a relationship with they seem normal on the surface but like magic when it involves him in some way or another they loose their minds and become scarier than whatever was threating him or keeping him away from them.

Y/n: "(Chopping some vegetables) Man I got really weird taste in woman."

Sibella: "(Helping by eating looks up at him with a cute face) ?"

Well theirs no helping it now since everything's already been set in stone so to speak with it being mostly good along with honestly a lot of bad over the years but that's the life he lives along with the life he chose to live so theirs nothing he can do now except for take it for all its worth and hope things don't get even worse later down the line.

At least in terms of his love life cause his normal life is just seems to be going down hill even faster as the days go by with him trying to help the plumbers and Ben, Kevin, and Gwen with whatever they might need if he feels like it and has the time to do so in the first place.

For the hero life is one where he's made his peace with giving up his right to live a normal carefree life like everyone else in his school, the right to become a drop out if his grades were to fall thankfully though he both studies on his own and has the brain power of two of the smartest races in the galaxy to help him.

Which honestly sucks more than anything as there have been many places he would have loved to go that his school had planned for field trips but couldn't because some bad aliens wanted to take over, destroy, enslave, or whatever all of mankind forcing him to pretend to be sick or unbelieve in some way or another so that he could stop them.

Thankfully nothing as bad as that really happened but he was forced to help in stopping smuggling rackets on earth as it was used as a go between for the other alien races with sometimes humans being the buyer or sellers with one of them looking an awful lot like one of the newscasters on tv but surly not as he's to kind of man to do anything like that.

Anyway Y/n has to work faster and harder to find a permanent way of stopping his body from loosing control for both his and Umbras sake or else they two might turn into uncontrollable monsters that might be unable to tell the difference from friend or foe.

But for now he enjoys the little party he and Sibella were hosting for everyone around just in case he can never do it again he would like everything to everything he could to make peace with it if it should happen by the time it comes.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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