Kevin's life

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As the sounds of some old school rock band start playing on something Kevin had forgotten to turn off the night before as he wakes up wearing only his jeans because he got to lazy to change out of anything else before flopping onto his bed.

Eventually he decides to get up and make himself some coffee and waffles with eggs and sausage for both himself and his mom as he gets ready for the day and after he takes a shower and has a nice "chat" with his mother about his behavior and Charmcaster he heads out into the garage as he makes sure his car is okay before driving off.

Driving around the place blasting some music as he just waits for Ben and Gwen to finish school for the since Charmcaster is off and about doing something else most likely involving magic or having a mental break down while her boyfriend is just sitting in his car drinking a smoothie outside his friends school like some very old school terrible undercover cop.

But this time is different since Kevin whilst inside his car feels it get blown up from his side with the only thing he was able to see was everything going around and around like some one flipping the table after they got hit by one to many +4s in a game of Uno.

And as Kevin twirls around all over the place like a semi-legal fair ground ride he sticks to the car as hard as he could as he waited for the thing to stop moving since the last thing he wanted for his car was for it to get totaled once again but also be somewhere he doesn't know the location of.

Once the car had finally managed to settle down aka it finally hit one to many walls and got logged into one as Kevin tried his best not to cry out loud or show any sign of tears since it was time to make the one who messed with his car to pay!

Carefully getting out of his car after he hits max volume on some battle music like this is some sort of boss encounter inside a video game but before he heads out he makes sure to absorb some of the cars properties so he could do whatever he wanted with them.

Like Kevin was currently at a two story drop area and with tears in his eyes he bushed his justtt enough for it to get out of the two story wall it had gotten wedged into without hopefully breaking it even more as he rides on top surfer boy style.

Kevin: "(Hears a loud crashing sound followed shortly by something being deflated along with sounds of droplets).... I don't even know why at this point I don't just have more of them in case stuff like this happens?"

Cracking his neck Kevin goes on to look at the giant, grey, muscular man with spikes seeming to be the same as hair on humans from just how many of them the thing seemed to have and it didn't help the things image with how sadistic it's smile was as he licked his lips once he saw Kevin walking towards him.

Once the two come face to face the giant grey monster man smacks Kevin as hard as he could possibly thinking it would send him flying or something? But unlucky for the beast Kevin had made tiny spikes with his feet and two giant shield's out of his arm metal area bits to lessen the impact.

And now wanting to give the thing any amount of time to react Kevin goes back to normal and charges in as he makes his arm into a giant pole and extends it above shooting the creature in the face successfully managing to piss it right off!

Just as Kevin enlarges his other hand and punches as hard as he could into the freaking things kneecap area hoping to cause the thing to fall down in the process but instead nothing happens as Kevin looks up and sees it smiling even creeper than before.

The giant creature then tried to smash Kevin by flopping down onto him as if it were a giant somehow even deadlier three year old which Kevin tried his best to avoid but the thing was too big meaning that gravity basically had a field day with him as the giant man crashed and crushed onto Kevin so hard that it made a freaking indent in the dang road!

Either way thankfully the giant man was big enough to the point where it buried Kevin a bit inside its creator... and why you mask is it good? Well simple my dear fellow and that's because the giant dumb lug didn't realize it had happened and wondered just where the heck the green man had gone off to.

All while Kevin was trying his best to get out which he couldn't because of his own creator being the exact same size as him and while he did at one point have super strength and still technically does it isn't really at the level it once was were he could break through asphalt and cocreate like their were blocks of wood like he used to do.

Thankfully however unlike his past self, Kevin had friends this time and even a girlfriend who even though was mostly using him (at least in the beginning anyway) who were able to help him with one of them being a guy who didn't have to go to school either but for very different reasons compared to him.

And while yes he did try to him and Ben... maybe even the occasional framing job here and there but at least present day Kevin was living a better life than he was a very long time ago since at this point in time (minus his car constantly getting destroyed) he's having both figurative and literal blast of a time.

Now if only the guy wasn't a constant know it all about how certain things should be done like the "Combo King" he likes to call himself than he would be someone that he wouldn't be embarrassed to see in public at the very least.

But since Y/n is the second their done with everything he pushes him away into some nearby pushes or inside his car whenever people come by... and for whatever reason Y/n seemed kind of glad that Kevin did which just made Kevin even more weirded out by the guy since he didn't really swing that way in any sense of the word.

As for the giant monster... well it turned out to be some guy called Umbra who had one too many cold ones and went crazy for a bit along with his powers all while Y/n and Plumbers apparently watched to make sure the guy didn't do anything too dangerous that any and all of them would come to regret once they all got sober again.

Speaking of which however Kevin remembered what Today was and rushed towards his house somewhat forgetting about his car in the process since today was the only day that he truly got to eat food that only came out once in a blue moon!

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and if you'd like more chapters like these were their anyone but Y/n and Sibella than let me know! But for now stay safe and peace!

Also happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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