Tourist Trap

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As you and Ben are both making faces at a random kid passing by but decide to stop once you see Gwen look at you and Ben both with embarrassment and as you leave and look back you see that Ben had turned into stink fly and then fell laughing at the kid's reaction.

And as you went to check out something you started to hear both Ben and Gwen bicker and after closing the bathroom door and locking it you then began to figure out the things you found had been happing to you.

You then began to concentrate on the object you were holding and after having a bit of trouble you then finally opened your eyes and saw that your hand had changed but only a little bit around your palm.

And after giving up further training with your finding you then saw a bit of your mark and when you then lifted up your sleeve and saw that your strange mark had shrunk down about three sizes from when you had seen it last.

After taking a while in the bathroom seeing what was different about yourself you then heard some knocking and then left and when you left both the bathroom and rust bucket you saw that you were all now in a town full of nothing but novelty items that were just normal things but ten times the size.

And after shaking your head at how boring you thought this might of been you then thought that it would be interesting being able to spend the day doing nothing else but just having dumb fun like how every other kid would be spending their summer.

And after all of you had gotten your passes you all then went around and were just being dumb kids having dumb fun, but you all had also gotten some photos of just you and Gwen being together and having fun, but then there was a photo-by-photo show of Ben crashing it and then ending with both of them fighting over you.

And after you all had your fun, everyone then sat down on a nearby bench being board as there was nothing else to do and when they had nothing better to do, they then saw a lot of sign's saying "It was this was".

And after all of you begun to follow the signs as everyone was wondering and making guesses as to what It might have been and wondering what was so special about whatever It was and after then entering the area you all then see.

A giant rubber band ball to which the mayor then came in and told everyone there about its "wonders" but none of you were amused and then after the mayor had left Ben then turned into Four-arms to have a little fun with the giant ball of rubber.

And as you all then saw "it" start to rise up and he then began to juggle and throw it around and just having fun as Gwen for once has some fun with what Ben was planning to which you smiled as you finally saw them get along without fighting for once that did not involve max's cooking.

And after seeing that Ben was about to boast a little too hard when he should probably not you then tired to stop and reason with him to leave it alone before he does something he shouldn't and when he says he will as you then began to leave you heard him boast and then he dropped the giant rubber ball as it then started to roll and to make matters worse it then rolled over you and you got tangled inside it as it began to roll without even a stop as it picked you up.

And after what you had assumed Ben a while you saw nothing and then you felt an even bigger charge of current than what had happened with Animo and after waking up from your little coma you saw that you were around a bunch of fallen cards and what you had guessed been the rubber ball.

And after looking around you then found Ben as upgrade trying to fight off some yellow battery looking alien? you were not sure what it was but you knew one thing for certain was that what ever it was it was having the time of its life as no matter what Ben did all it did was laugh.

And after what you had guessed Ben having enough of getting laughed at he then shot out a giant green laser beam out of his eye? hole to which both you, Gwen and Ben thought was cool even if you were not near them you knew so because it was.

And after a while of complete chaos ensuing from Ben fighting the mischievous little yellow battery everything went quite for a bit and when you then saw everyone you then saw them all grow smaller as you then suddenly went up high into the sky.

Higher than you thought you would have ever survived from and as the ground came closer and closer you then began to see your life flash before your eyes and see that you had more memories of this summer than anything else and then nothing.

But then after a good while you then got up and saw that you had made a little indent to the ground and before being able to figure out what had happened you began to rush over to where everyone else was at thinking they were in the middle of all the conflict.

And when you got there you saw that it was all over and that they had then made a brand new attraction to their little prop town "the worlds biggest light bulb" as they called it with all of the megawatts after you learned there name trapped inside of it.

And as you all began to walk over to the rust bucket Gwen went back over to you and asked what had happened to you as you were gone for a while and not wanting to worry her you had told her that you had just gotten a little lost after getting free of that ball of rubber.

And before any more speculation could happen you all saw Ben get drenched by a bucket of water with Max laughing saying that it was funny when it did not happen to you as you and Gwen both then began to laugh at Ben's misfortune before Max said that they were still in trouble for all that had happened as you all then went inside the Rust Bucket.

And that is all for now and I wonder if any of you can guess what is happing to you and why and if you can that will be amazing and until next time stay safe and peace.

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