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Y/n: "What the heck is wrong with these people!"

Y/n shouted as he closed the door to his parents house with a few hands trying their best to both block and reach into their home so that they could honestly do something? Because no matter what they were attempting to do neither Y/n nor anyone in the house really wanted them there especially since they were scaring the twins.

Mom: "(All dressed up looking ready to go somewhere with dad) Who's outside the door?"

Dad: "(Wearing a nice looking tuxedo) Yea son. You should (Opens the door for a few nano seconds before doing the exact same thing as his son) You know what never mind good on you boy (turns to his wife) how about we do an indoor date tonight?"

Mom then seemed to light up even more like a Christmas tree than before and it was at that point that Y/n grabbed Sibella and the two jumped out of his bedroom window after grabbing his new necklace that was a box with the Omnitrix logo on it.

And the second he put the thing on it went from being green to a very, very dark red color that seemed to be glowing and flowing which might have meant something bad... or not since Y/n the creator had no real idea on what the heck was going on?

Especially since he gave the thing to Umbra and it did the same thing but was purple instead of red so who the heck knows what the heck was going on but at least they hopefully fulfilled their purpose in stabilizing both Y/n and Umbras DNA which was their sole reason for existing since at that point the drugs he was making had stopped working since both Y/n and Umbra gained an immunity towards it.

Y/n knew thanks to Ben telling him (well that and the horde of reporters and the like) that they had all been found out by someone who leaked it onto the internet causing this massive rise in their popularities to the point where none of them could really go anywhere without getting swarmed by the masses.

Honestly Y/n is just thankful that he skipped through all of high school and everything by taking all the advance classes and doing all the test in it to the point where even though he was a first year he graduated with the rest of the seniors of his school earning him a plaque at the school.

So at least Y/n is a bit better than Ben and the others since he doesn't really have to do much of anything for schooling at the moment but either way this freaking sucks and to make matters even worse he accidentally took the jacket Ben had given him for his birthday instead of his normal hoodie.

Sibella: "Wait you're hoodie!"

Y/n: "(Hearing the reporters move around) We ain't got time for that we gotta go now!"

Growing out a pair of big chill AND Stink fly wings along with his hands becoming that of Jet-rays out or pure panic Y/n just launches out of the building with him struggling a lot as he had too many wings and not a whole lot of ways to use them as Sibella turned into her hybrid form and started carrying him with her talons all across the area till they meet up with Ben and the rest.

Who just so happened to be meeting up with the guy responsible for this entire mess and as everyone was getting ready to give the guy who caused this a piece of each of their minds only to then find out that it was all done by a snot nosed brat who was just a big fan of Ben.

Jimmy: "OMG THE REAL LIVE BEN TENNYSON!!! (Looks at everyone with admiration and glory till he saw Y/n and Sibella and it was at that point where the light in his eyes dyed causing Sibella to really try and kill this 10 year old boy if Y/n wasn't there) Why do you guys hang around with this knock off anyway?"

Hearing that one line however caused Y/n to snap as well and it was at that point when everyone else had to then cling onto both Y/n and Sibella so as to not watch either of them either hospitalize or kill this young child.

Anyway at some point the trio managed to calm down the duo enough to the point where they no longer wanted to kill the child or harm them enough to the point where death would have probably been far easier...

Well with that out of the way Ben and the rest go about their days trying to help some new alien with water powers or whatever as Y/n frantically swings the poor child back and forth as he tries to get him to somehow convince everyone around them to leave him and him only alone since Ben has always loved and dreamed of being famous while the others were probably used to it at this point.

And while it is true that both Y/n and Ben in the future would be widely known across the universe pretty much that meant to Y/n at least that he had even less of a time being normal and out of the publics eye than before and add that to the fact he doesn't want to be famous and you get Y/n pretty much threating to Supplex a child.

Ben does his hero work with the alien and everyone feels good about themselves while Y/n is honestly just hating life at the moment along with Sibella since they are now getting the same treatment as Ben even though they don't work together all that often what with Y/n honestly really caring at all about what Ben does most of the time since he has to hear all about it from Ben and then Gwen or Kevin about what really happened.

So now while Ben is literally loving every day and everything that her fame has to offer especially when it comes to her being able to eat (or rather drink) her fill at Mr.Smoothies any time she wants along with her being able to be part of Sumo Slammers as mainly an endorsement officer.

Which she was more than happy to do even to the point where she was about to even agreeing to do it for free! But thankfully Kevin with his infinite knowledge about things that seem illegal but aren't he managed to get her to and the sales people to agree to a reasonable salary with Kevin now getting 10% from literally doing nothing other than existing. 

Well his real role is to keep all of Ben's calls and offers for anyone who wants to use Ben to promote their stuff but the when Y/n went to Kevin's house for help in fixing up a real car by hand he heard his answering machine go off from someone as the message got automatically deleted shortly after.

Y/n: "What just-"

Kevin: "(Screwing something in place for the engine) Don't think or worry about it and instead hand me a wrench will ya?"

Shrugging Y/n hands Kevin a random wrench and the second he does everything slows down or rather time itself just stops as the mysterious figure approaches Y/n and caresses the necklace with his hand seemingly out of genuine interest while also praising it.

???: "I know you might not be able to hear me but I just want you to know how much of a huge pain and suffering I have had to endure all because of you (tries to yank the necklace but fails) and this stupid bit of jewelry! And while I may not be able to do anything to you per say (grabs wrench and swings it around a bit over Kevin's head only for him to put it back without doing anything as he throws something into the car's engine) I will do whatever I can to make sure that life is more of a pain for you as my gift to you for such matters."

The man then leaves without anyone knowing what had just happened except for Y/n feeling a little protective of his necklace for some reason as a sense of worry also seemed to flow all throughout his body.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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