It's Hero Time part 1

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With a thump Y/n wakes up hearing how today's going to be another Sunny day as Sibella in a more human form wearing only one of his jackets starts dragging him out of his bed so he can make both of them dinner.

Sibella: "Come on, come on already were going to miss it."

Y/n: "(Pours cereal) I know I know."

Once they both finished eating breakfast Sibella turned back into her bat form causing his jacket to fall as they both made their way out the door of their apartment towards school, but before they got there Y/n looked around to see if anyone was there before making his motorcycle from his Upgrade DNA and started to ride off with an eager Sibella popping her head to feel the wind as they soar the open road.

The school that Y/n went to was a private one that Gwen had been wanting to go but there was really no way for her to do so since it was both very hard to get in and was very expensive to the point it would have been better to just save for college.

Throughout the entire day of school Y/n was incredibly bored since thanks to Greymatter DNA and his own natural intelligence he was able to remember pretty much everything inside his textbooks which meant that class was not really needed for him and the only reason he stayed was to make his parents proud.

Y/n: "(Yawns before eating) I wonder how everyone else is doing."

It's been a few years since he meet Frightwig and once she was out of juvie they had been talking at least once a week but since she was still in her probation period she wasn't allowed to do anything without being given the okay and he also thinks they monitor their calls but it's going to be worth the wait as they plan their perfect first real date.

As for Charmcaster for some reason she started avoiding him for a bit only to latter either call or send one of her rock monsters to talk with him and apologize which made him lover her even more over how cute she was.

Lucy Mann was interesting since she surprised him with a phone call that eventually turned into a regular event about how she messed with people and some more intimate and very graphic talks that made him think that she had little to no shame or at least when she was talking with him.

While his meetings with Ben were either everyday or once every other day while Gwen was at least three times a week to both spend time together and help each other with certain problems that either of them have.

For some reason though as Ben and Y/n got older Ben started acting different and getting red so often that it just became the norm for them with Y/n having no idea why but not really caring since he enjoys spending time with Ben.

And as the school bell finally rings signaling that it's finally time that Y/n can finally leave this place he starts running but stops and starts walking a little bit faster once he hears a teacher coming until he is finally outside.

Sibella: "(Squeaks in excitement)"

Y/n: "I know I know."

As fast as Y/n can be he gets on his bike and starts riding all the way towards Ben's school to watch her soccer match witch he promised he'd go to and as cool as riding his bike felt it was just a bit too slow for Y/n so he reabsorbs his bike and instead goes invisible as he starts flying towards the school.

By the time he got there the game was already almost over but he did get to see Ben stop the opposing team from making a goal at the final moment allowing her school to get the big win.

???: "Hey, I haven't seen you around before."

Y/n: "(Panting) Nah sorry (Gets breath back) I'm Y/n a friend of the goal keeper

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Y/n: "(Panting) Nah sorry (Gets breath back) I'm Y/n a friend of the goal keeper."

???: "Cool (puts hand behind back as she leans forward) So you enjoy the game."

Y/n: "From what I saw yeah (See's Ben starting to leave) sorry I got to go maybe we can chat some other time (waves goodbye as he runs towards Ben)."

Julie: "(Smiles and whispers) Idiot and here I was thinking he'd remember me (turns and walks away)."

As Y/n finally catches up to Ben she seemed not to pleased at how he missed her entire game but after a playful punch it seemed all was good.

Ben: "Look don't worry about it I know you're school is very far from here (puts one hand on cheek and the other on his solder and whispers in his ear) just try not to miss the next one okay (as she then pinches his cheek and hits him a lot harder on the arm as she starts riding away on her bike)."

Y/n: "(Rubbing his arm) Phew thank goodness that's all she did and wasn't too angry."

Sibella: "(Shakes her head left and right and squeaks like she's annoyed)."

Without saying anything else he along summons his bike and rides it all the way back to his apartment and once inside Sibella takes off and comes back wearing nothing but his jacket again.

Sibella: "Welcome home dear (Smiles and bows)."

Y/n: "(Stares blankly) What are you doing."

Sibella: "(Jumps up causing parts of her to move while also exposing herself causing Y/n to go red) I saw this was how lovers should act when their partner comes through the door."

Y/n: "(Pets Sibella) You don't have to do that and I don't know if anyone does that but I love what you did for me."

Sibella: "(Hugs him) Well then I think it's time you show me (Stars pulling him towards the bedroom)"

How Sibella went from a cute and innocent little bat girl who seemed to have a tiny crush on him to very passionate and driven woman who didn't care what she had to do to get ahead of the others while also helping them is beyond him.

But after awhile Gwen calls Y/n and after a brief chat she tells him to meet her at a certain place that seemed a bit odd and random but whatever so even though it annoyed Sibella a bit they both got ready, changed into their normal cloths before heading out.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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