The Transmogrification of Eunice

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The day could not get any worse for Y/n as not only did he somehow manage to piss all the girls off, but somehow managed to piss off Ben to the point that she wasn't even talking to him anymore with Gwen just giving him the stink-eye the entire time.

And that's not even mentioning the fact that when he went to the Plumbers base to help out Umbra, Joshua and the guys little harem. None of them were paying attention to anything that he did or said! They were all too busy giving each other chocolates, cards, candy, and other such things as they all messed around with one another before Y/n got tired of it all and just left.

It wasn't even valentines day as that had already long since passed and while he wasn't able to give everyone the best valentines he tried his best to be there for everyone and do whatever they might have wanted to hopefully make their days.

But apparently that wasn't enough or he quite possibly did something wrong at some point during the day because every day after that was the same of what he was experiencing now, which was all of them either ignoring him or quite possibly all of them looking like they want to kill him.

Thankfully though it seemed like they had all mellowed out over the past few days as they seemed to be fine with Y/n joining them for a little outdoor excursion, so they could all clear their heads and try and find a way to help save Kevin from himself.

How any of that was going to happen is honestly beyond Y/n since he has no idea on how to help the guy other than using both him and Umbra to try and absorb as much as they could from Kevin but that wouldn't do anything other than quite possibly make him feel week as they would just forcibly take away a lot of his DNA instead of restoring him.

To Y/n this was honestly one of the best things ever to him as it would be like reliving old times with his friends as they sit around a fire and just talk for a little while about anything in their lives as they eat smores, hotdogs, and other campfire foods that they could get ahold of at five o'clock in the morning.

Once everyone arrived at their camping location Y/n noticed that everything was pretty much the same as it was before with the only exception being that for some reason both Gwen and Ben were wearing the same clothes... but different...

Like Ben was pretty much wearing a shorter version of her top that seemed to give her little room to breath along with her pants now being so compact that he could actually see some bruise line from her waist and legs as she's never worn something like this before with the only thing remaining of her old look was her jacket.

As for Gwen she was wearing a more top loosed shirt along with a some blue pantyhose's as her skirt seemed to have gotten somewhat sorter than the last time he'd seen her as he would now see much more of her legs and he didn't know why but seemed to get more embarrassed by that more than anything else.

Y/n: "(Shily) Hey girls... (gulps) what's with the new outfits? Did something happen?"

Ben & Gwen: "(Both look at Y/n and then turn around angrily) HMPH!"

Y/n: "(To himself) How the heck did things turn out this way (kicks a small pebble)."

Then out of nowhere they all see something crash land in the nearby woods looking somewhat similar to what happened to Ben all those years ago and realizing this all the girls put whatever problems they had with Y/n behind them as everyone sets out to see what happened.

Once everyone reaches the crash site they discover a giant cylinder looking object as Ben and Gwen reach out and touch the thing as Y/n does so by reluctance as he pulls both of them back once they start groaning in pain even if for but a moment.

As the pod opened, a skinny, blond white girl wearing absolutely nothing seemed to stumble out of the pod as both Ben and Gwen tried to make Y/n not look which resulted in them pushing him down and off the nearby cliffside that they were facing.

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