Girl Trouble

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Inside Y/n's not so little hangout/secret lair he is being backed into a corner by Julie, Gwen, Ben, Frightwig, Lucy, Helen, and Eunice? As all of them approach Y/n with a fiery look in their eyes as Sibella tries her best to protect Y/n or at least defend him from the other woman.

With the girls getting ever so closer and closer towards Y/n and Sibella, Y/n wonders just what the heck was up with all of them as they were fine when they all got here and while they were acting a little strange for the most part they were still fine twenty minutes ago.

What made things even weirder was the fact that out of all the girls only Sibella seemed to be sound of mind as she tried to protect Y/n from all the other girls. Which if Y/n were to be honest he'd have to bet money that Sibella would have been the first one to attack him before anyone else.

As Y/n looks around his base he wonders just how the heck this even happened as he sees from the corner of his eye someone that looks a lot like Gwen but with a darker color pallet  than Gwen with her having black hair and a purple top with a black skirt. And from what Y/n could tell the girl seemed to be laughing at Y/n and the girls before she starts walking away to do her own thing which was quite possibly creating more chaos.

Looking around his base Y/n grabs some random object and throws it at all the girls as they dive towards it like a pack of animals as Y/n and Sibella make a break for it as they run straight through Y/n's little fort house door as Sibella then grabs and holds onto Y/n so they can chase after dark Gwen.

Once they were both up in the sky both Y/n and Sibella did their best to try and find the girl so that she might fix whatever mess she had caused for Y/n and the girls, along with trying to figure out just who the heck she was and why she looked so similar to Gwen.

When the duo eventually found the dark sided Gwen they started chasing after her as the girl in question started a party at a local watering hole as she threw around money like she just didn't care whilst also making sure to get herself a good little army of men. And once she spotted both Y/n and Sibella she used her new boy toys to attack and distract them as she disappeared once again into the night.

Anytime either of them tried to leave one of these idiots would start a fight by dragging them right back inside to start something up once again and eventually Sibella just got tired of it especially when one of them men ripped the shirt that Y/n's little sister had gotten her.

(The shirt used to be a normal white t-shirt that was about three sizes to big for her to the point that it looked like it should have been Y/n's shirt and on it was a hand painted picture of their entire family, with Sibella both in human holding hands with her and Y/n along with her bat form circling around the family. Now the ripped shirt has somehow made it to where it seemed like they family was separated, Sibella was the cause as she was cracked in the middle, along with her bat form now looking like they were circling something dead.)

Sibella: "(Full of rage) You MONSTERS!"

Sibella in full rage mode tackled the poor sap who ripped her favorite shirt as she ripped his shirt right off his body and used it as her own makeshift one as she tossed her destroyed shirt at Y/n so as to take care of it while she taught these men a much needed lesson.

Rushing towards the front of the building Y/n barley makes it out as two random men got thrown out of the building hitting their trucks in the process as Y/n groans from getting caught up in their flight plan as he gets up and first checks to see if the other guys were okay. Once he realized that, they could still breath Y/n ran off towards where ever he thought Gwen but Negative would have gone to hang out or do whatever Gwen does on her own.

Eventually Y/n somehow managed to find the girl relaxing inside Gwen's room wearing... well something that's easy on the eyes to say the least that also looks a lot like something Gwen has worn before.

The girl looks on at Y/n both surprised and also annoyed before she starts smiling once again and beckons him to come closer to her as her eyes glow the same as Gwen's, to which she uses to turn the lights down low as Y/n comes closer to the girl as he starts hugging her.

At first the girl seemed to be enjoying it until she realized that Y/n wasn't letting her go anywhere as he held onto her very tightly so that she wouldn't run away again as she started to go mental with her magic or whatever the heck they were attacks as she didn't chant anything. And instead tried her best to push him away as he continued holding on all while forgetting that at this point in time he had his super strength back and was at the very least giving her some bruises on her sides.

As Gwen's room gets torn up and Y/n get's a Dorothy treatment from what it felt like he did eventually manage to put the strange lady in her place by jumping off the ceiling and crashing her into Gwen's closet before crashing straight out of the house.

Now Y/n's somehow wearing one of Gwen's dresses as the anti Gwen was now wearing one of Gwen's old Halloween costumes and by old I mean so old that it no longer even looks appropriate for her to be wearing it in public.

At some point they managed to arrive at Y/n's base where Sibella had just shown up and was getting attacked/ treated by all the girls before they all turn into zombies again once they see Y/n but all get extremely pissed once they see him holding onto another woman!

All the girls then start fighting Y/n including Sibella which wasn't that odd for her, and as Y/n tried his best to both defend himself whilst also trying not to hurt any of his friends to badly out of nowhere Gwen and Ben's grandmother Verdona appeared with a great big flash appearing as her energy form.

Verdona: "Well, well... (places hand on her cheek) when I sent my other darling niece over here I thought it might have mellowed her out for a bit but I can see things didn't really turn out how I wanted."

With a wave of her hand all the girls were forced to be seated together on the floor as Verdona grabbed her niece Sunny and went back to where ever the heck they came from all without telling Y/n how to fix the girls or anything on what Sunny did to them!

Eventually after a very long amount of time had passed did Y/n realize that Sunny had done nothing more to these girls other than offer them some form of liquor as they had acted the exact same when Kevin and Charmcaster eventually tied the not together.

Along with all the other weddings that Y/n was apart of and what made things even worse was just how much worse it got over time along with the fact that they were all light weights when drinking and their hangovers were so bad that at one point they all destroyed his house.

No that is not an exaggeration, every single time one of these girls gets drunk they all somehow eventually find out a way to destroy any of Y/n's houses with their first time being no exception as they completely wrecked his little hideout to the point it took him months to just fix the damage they caused.

Thankfully however the way to cure or at least sedate all of them was the easiest thing he could ever do which also lasted much longer than the liquor they drank as they sometimes seemed to sober up in the middle of his attempts at curing them as they cried out for him to stop.

But of course he didn't since he'd much rather prefer the destruction they cause be limited to only his place of residence or just places that no one really cares for as he one time didn't help them and they destroyed much of Las Vegas.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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