Prisoner Number 808 is Missing

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After becoming a plumber and getting two version's of Four Arms mixed together Y/n had been feeling a little off lately especially when it came to the fact he could swear he was sleep walking as he'd find things out of place or find things that shouldn't exist in his house.

Like just last week he found an arrow head, a pinecone, and a license plate all of which had Florida as their marks of origin as the license plate was from Florida and Y/n was just making an estimated guess at that point.

Theirs also the fact that Sibella seemed to have trouble sleeping since then as well as she seemed to have started sleeping a whole lot more than usual and didn't seem to have as much energy to do anything like she had before.

Suddenly there was a ring on his door and after opening the door everything went dark the next thing Y/n knew he seemed to be in some sort of prison area along that had aliens as far as the eye could see all of which were wearing either shock collars, heater collars, or A/C collars.

The weird thing about everything wasn't the collars, the American prison jumpers, or guards speaking in english but the sense of relief Y/n had once he realized that he was having fond nostalgic memories of having been imprisoned before with Ben and Kevin as kids.

As Y/n got dragged along the chain line with all the other aliens Y/n saw what looked to be a chameleon with red blue and green colored eyes who seemed to be very pissed at everything around him as well as probably being naked?

Like the lizard creature wasn't wearing any sort of clothes like the other aliens which either meant it was risk on themselves, a risk to others or quite possibly they wanted to study the aliens to learn more about them like they were doing to Y/n.

Once everyone was lined up Y/n along with all the new aliens were shoved into a room as a line of guards all rushed towards Y/n and started hitting him withe everything that they had that wasn't lethal as they tried to knock Y/n out again or at the very least lead him towards where they wanted.

Next thing Y/n new he was strapped to a table that seemed to be made for a human as he heard other parts of it slowly start to descend back down into whatever he was laying on or the floor as four lights surrounded his every angle with the fifth being in the center and being as bright as a search light.

???: "(Crackling sounds as a voice comes from the speakers with it sounding like an old military man) What r' you?"

Y/n: "(In a forced T-pose) I'm a human who's just a little bit special."

Out of nowhere a metal prod came down from the ceiling and lunged at Y/n causing him great pain but he managed to hold it all back as something was telling him not to talk and whatever voice that might have been could be the one to save his life so he never even let out a grunt.

Once it finally stopped the voice over the speakers would ask the same question again but sounding more and more like a demand every time as videos of Y/n would pop up on old T.V's they had in the corner that had become a giant wall that showed Y/n transforming both fully and partially along with his fusions.

After awhile the videos started to fuse until his giant purple heterochromia Four Arms form was revealed with it destroying, fighting, stealing, and defacing pretty much any and everything in its path until the sun started to come up as it disappeared like some alien werewolf.

Eventually they stopped tasing Y/n and finally let him go as he was forcibly shoved out the other end and saw many other aliens all trying their best to stay sane along with not trying to interact with anyone else around them as apparently doing anything with any alien they deem a threat causes the whole area to go through what he did all over again instead of having a month off.

The free yard as it seems to be has nothing in it other than connections to other rooms that they are all forced to live inside with the only difference being their number that's most likely been assigned to them based on how dangerous they seemed to be.

Which didn't really seem to have any merit on whatever their jumper numbers seemed to be and instead based on the number of rights that the aliens were allowed to have while they were being held against their wills inside this prison.

Thankfully for Y/n and all the other prisoners they didn't have to stay there much longer as one of the aliens seemed to have broken their collar and managed to break out of the prison area and leave the place once and for all.

But they were at least good and fair and helped out everyone that was probably kind to him before finally leaving and probably trying to get revenge on those responsible from the look on his eyes when he saw him on the line.

Y/n tried to take off his own collar but that thing wasn't moving and neither was his arm wrist as they were burning, freezing, and shocking him whenever the things got to close to one another for more than a solid two seconds.

Looking around Y/n sees how hectic everything is and manages to break into the room he was in for questing and did his best to pry the taser rod thing and use it as his own little weapon just in case things go downhill for him and he needed to defend himself.

Going outside the room he noticed that first of all their was just a war between army solider guys and their alien prisoners along with some aliens and prisoners fighting against their own side for whatever the reason was.

And secondly Y/n noticed that their was a door right outside in front of them... well to be more accurate it was right above them! So Y/n stretches a little bit as he starts running towards the biggest alien in the room he could find and ran above up their body as he threw the prod thing as hard as he could into the wall that he was jumping towards.

Once the rod was imbedded inside the wall Y/n launched himself towards it and with his weight managed to bend the thing down a bit as it started to crack from the sudden change but thankfully it managed to stay intact enough to launch him into the skies and out of the prison.

Once above ground Y/n spins around a bit like a tire before eventually stopping as he hit boulder or something just as hard and firm since it didn't quite feel like a boulder and when Y/n opened his eyes he saw the chameleon alien getting sent off somewhere by the Plumbers.

While the Plumbers seemed to have their hands busy keeping Ben, Gwen, and Kevin from doing anything to the service general guy who they were talking to who seemed to have placed many innocent aliens within his cages throughout the years without anyone but him team knowing.

It was kind of nice to see knowing that they'd be willing to throw hands with the local government if they tried something unjust with him as Y/n reflects and imagines that he would as well for everyone but Kevin since he probably did something in his life to deserve it.

But Y/n had to face whatever he did as his other self no matter what so he joined up with the Plumbers to stand "trial" for the Alien Chameleon while they go over what Y/n has done in his uncontrolled form to see what they might to do for him.

Y/n: "(Extends hand to Alien Chameleon) Hy 808 real names Y/n what's yours?"

Alien Chameleon: "*Hmph* Well if you must know its-"

And that's all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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