Washington B.C.

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As you watch Ben geek out over the fact that a kid that he had just saved had three rare sumo slammer gold collector cards while the rest of you drive to Heatblast getting his attention as you heard them say.

As you watch Ben geek out over the fact that a kid that he had just saved had three rare sumo slammer gold collector cards while the rest of you drive to Heatblast getting his attention as you heard them say

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Gwen: "Yo super doofus the fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery, the bad guys are getting away."

HeatBlast: "Uh I new that."

Then Heatblast got in he and Gwen switched seats so that Heatblast would have a better angle on stopping the bad guys and while Ben was being the hero and max driving you where having a somewhat pleasant conversation with Gwen but then she got up and started to try and put out.

Heatblast because he was burning the seat he was sitting on while Max was saying "how he new he should have bought those asbestos seat covers when he had the chance." Then when she was done trying to put him out she went back to sitting down and chatting with you.

Gwen: "So how can someone so cultured, so smart, so caring, (*whispers* and be so cute) be best friends with my cousin who is everything the opposite of that."

Y/n: "Well I wouldn't say were best friends more like brothers but I think he is a great guy and that he's fun and awesome to hang around just as long as he doesn't do anything to stupid or that would cause any harm to anyone else I care about."

And as you say that you grab and caress her hand a little bit while smiling and trying to giver her your best you are someone I could start to care for to look, but then ben stops the bad guys while you all start to leave when you hear Heatblast go back to Ben.

Then after a long rest at a nearby hotel? (just guessing cause was not shown in the show) you all went to the newest Mega Mart to do some shopping while you were messing with you pda and putting in any interesting or need to know things from Ben being Heatblast last night then when.

 You were done with that you thought it would be nice to try and get to know Gwen a little more and hopefully what to get her for a present because you hard ben complain more than once about having to share his birthday with his stupid cousin which you now know as Gwen but as. You were doing this you saw ben get that look in his eyes when you knew he was about to do something stupid.

Y/n: "Hey dude I know that look in your eye and don't even dare with how much of that cereal you and I eat during normal school hours you will eventually get that gold card."

Ben: "Your right man I can wait."

And the moment you are out of his line of sight and with the rest of the gang you see and hear the usual signs that ben just used the Omnitrix and most likely for something stupid and as you and Gwen got to where you thought he might be you saw.

And then you and Gwen had to look for where ever Ben might be in this large mess of trashed cereal and when Gwen found him you and Gwen were busted my the stores staff and hand to get max to pay for all of the trashed cereal even if you told him y...

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And then you and Gwen had to look for where ever Ben might be in this large mess of trashed cereal and when Gwen found him you and Gwen were busted my the stores staff and hand to get max to pay for all of the trashed cereal even if you told him you had no problem doing it and.

 That you would take responsibility for bens actions but max was insistent that he do it because its your money and he wants you to buy things that you would like as Ben was just going on about how he would have gotten what he wants and why because he just saved people from a.

 Burring building with his prize a box of cereal with a gold sumo slammers card inside it but after his ranting was done he staring looking and what you think drooling over a  stand that had the complete sumo slammers card collection inside it while Gwen and Max went of to do more.

 Shopping and for what everyone hopes is not tomorrows breakfast waiting for Ben to be done so that you can teach him some more manners about what he should and should not do even when he is a hero but then the ground starts to shake and everything starts to go haywire and.

 You and ben then see a man on top of a giant toad start to take some things from the store rack and when ben tries to stop him you both get buried underneath cardboard boxes courtesy of the giant mutant frog and after he tells you and Ben to run of and go play you notice that because of.

 Ben doing something stupid he cant do anything witch his watch while you both run of after Dr.Animo and as you both run into him turning a parrot and a hamster into mutants for his army you and Ben then had to fight of the now giant, mutant hamster which was easier for you than.

 Anyone else because you practice both parkour and know martial arts and you taunt and doge the hamster with Ben doing the same to get him trapped under a few shelves after that was done you and Ben were dragged of by max to the rust bucket to chase after Dr.Animo all while.

 Ben was trying to finally get the gold sumo slammer card that he wanted and after you all got inside you and Gwen trying to look up information on Dr.animo but in actuality she was doing the researching while you were trying to fight off the pain that you were starting to feel in you.

 Arm then you stopped focusing on the pain when you heard Gwen tell everyone what she had just found out on Dr.Animo and after Max had lost him you heard Ben said he new Dr.animo was going into the museum and once you all got there you saw him shoot at a mammoth.

And after he did that you black out because of the immense pain you felt in you arm and when you woke up you found you self in the rust bucket as Ben and Gwen were coming inside calling each other names

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And after he did that you black out because of the immense pain you felt in you arm and when you woke up you found you self in the rust bucket as Ben and Gwen were coming inside calling each other names.

And that is where I shall end it for now more later for the next update till then stay safe and peace.

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