Plumbers Help

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Y/n: "(Sitting down on his bed with a chart) Remember what is the one place that you must never find your way in!"

Sibella: "Umm..... The Phantom zone?"

Y/n: "No! It's called the Null Void and where'd you even get that name (throws chart on bed as he stand to get closer to Sibella.)"

Sibella: "(Shrugs) I dunno it just came to me."

Y/n: "Well if you see anything that can emit a red beam/swirl/ or anything that looks like this (shows null void projector drawing that looks like half as good as the real thing) run away as fast as you can and try to either call me, Ben, Gwen, or Kevin and if you can't find any of us get home and run towards the dead zone..... (snaps fingers) you understand?"

Sibella: "(Groans) Yes dear owner (fiddles with collar as she speaks sarcastically) I'll do as you say and look both ways before flying to make sure that no one accidentally nabs me and takes me away. (Jumps at Y/n and hugs him) Now enough of all this serious talk and lets have some fun already!"

Y/n tries to get Sibella to be serious for once and its either because she's a bat, the pyro DNA in her or just her own special brand of crazy but she just does not want to learn anything unless it involved him or in her words the competition.

And her usual form of playing has gotten the landlord, security, relators, and just about everyone on the 9-1-1 operators list which made his vacations a lot more interesting but also annoying and that was just her being her normal self having any of the other girls over would basically always result in him looking for a new place to live after their visits.

Y/n: "(Pushes Sibella off) I'm serious you need to pay attention here!"

Sibella: "(Pouts) What does it matter I don't go anywhere without you anyway!"

Y/n: "I'm just worried about your safety."

Sibella: "I'm fine (turns into her bat form so she can lay on Y/ns head so she can sleep in peace.)"

Y/n: "(Rubs her little head and sighs) What am I going to with you."

Y/n then starts walking around the house checking what might be needed from the store since they were running low on basically everything and after he made his list and checked it twice he left his house with Sibella who is almost always naughty or nice.

And while it may have been a little weird to go shopping at the dead of night but because it's so late it meant that almost no one was there compared to when there's still daylight outside but as he was walking towards the store he saw the reflection of a Van behind him.

Y/n: "(Thinking) *That's weird I could have sworn that van was near me five minutes ago?*"

While a van being a city is not weird what's weird is the fact he saw it as he was leaving his house and he flew away from there for about five miles and he knows its the same van since one of it's headlights is a little cracked.

And while it may have been a coincidence or there was another van that looked just like theirs but either way Y/n started walking a little faster not out of fear but out of curiosity to see if they were following him or not and after a few minutes of fast walking he made a little slime version of himself that would show him if it was still following him or not.

Somewhat shockingly it was in fact the same van since he saw it move closer and closer behind him as he got further along the road and not wanting any trouble right now since he had a sleeping Sibella and groceries in hand Y/n started running (at his lowest) top human speed to get back home.

But before he could get there he felt something suddenly hit his head and as he looked over in a haze he saw what looked to be four arms and XLR8 walking over both him and Sibella as they talked.

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