War of Worlds

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Y/n: "(Over the phone) The time is now!"

???: "(Over the phone) What do you mean?"

Y/n: "(Over the phone) After today nothing is going to be the same."

???: "(Over the phone) I still have no idea what your talking about."

Y/n: "(Over the phone) Its time for the final battle."

???: "(Over the phone) Oh for gods sake Y/n what are you talking about?"

Y/n: "(Over the phone) Were attacking the high breed and seeing as how you're one of the few people I know that can be useful, won't immediately stab me and everyone else in the back, and actually want to help others."

???: "(Over the phone) But I'm not ready yet."

Y/n: "(Over the phone) It doesn't matter if you're ready or not but just remember this is going to be a battle that is remembered through out the entire galaxy."

???: "(Over the phone) And as a person running from people hoping that don't fight me how does any of this help me?"

Y/n: "(Over the phone) You can learn how to fight better so that one day you can smack your captors like theirs no tomorrow."

???: "(Over the phone) I don't know if I'm able to do any of that man the doctors say that I shouldn't move around too much since it might mess me up even more."

Y/n: "(Over the phone) Come on Joshua work with me here there's tons of aliens that need to be beaten, lots of fame to be had for everyone, and you get to stop the destruction of an entire universe what could be better than that."

Joshua: "(Over the phone) My health actually improving for once in a long while."

Y/n: "(Sighs over the phone) What if I promise to help your friends?"

Joshua: "(Sighs over the phone) Look man do you really need my help?"

Y/n: "(Over the phone) Any and all help is better than none."

Joshua: "(Over the phone) Fine but you better keep your promise and help me find my friends."

Y/n: "Cool so meet us at-"

And the two then continue talking about their battle with the DNA Aliens..... except that this entire conversation was about a month ago since that's how long it would seem to take for someone in the Plumbers med bay to reach earth.

While this may not have been a problem before do to some.... unforeseen changes that had occurred during that time honestly who knows what's going through Y/n's head at this moment in time cause if he remembers anything he promised that would have been amazing since there was no time for him to be tested to see if his brain was back to normal or not.

It didn't help that Y/n seemed to be low on energy as he kept falling asleep no matter where or how far they travelled like he was in serious need of power or something like a dying battery powered toy or something that was just trying its best but was pretty much useless until it got some more juice in him.

But there was no real time for anyone to really help him as everyone was already at the Highbreed base with Kevin auto driving it in with no one else in it except for Y/n because he and everyone else forgot he was in there or just thought that he could survive it someone.

And to be fair they were right since he did as a crystal ball the size of Cannonbolt rolled around for a bit once the Highbreed had destroyed his car causing him to go full on attack mode attacking any and all DNA Aliens he could find so that the death of his car wouldn't have been in vain.

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