Chaos Kitchen

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Announcer: "(Sounds like the WWE intro) LLLLLADIEEES and gentlemen tonight we have the young yet mysterious, passionate yet cold, young body old soul Y/n cooking up mountains worth of dishes or else (reveals everyone Y/n cares about as they look like zombies starving to death) all of these po- I mean fine folks will go hungry forever so now (leans of Y/ns shoulder) kid tell me what do you have planned today?"

Y/n: "(Tries to punch the announcer but can't because of chains that are hidden from the cameras as he forcibly puts a smile on his face) Well today I'm going to be making all the favorite foods I know and feed it to all of them hoping that will fill their stomachs and stop their bodies from eating themselves inside out."

Announcer: "Well then you all heard it here Y/n will be making all the favorite foods of his friends (lights shine on each of them before moving onto the next Ben, Kevin, Gwen, Charmcaster, Lucy, Frightwig, Kai, Helen,  and Julie), Family (same thing with the lights Max, Mom, Dad, and Sibella) along with his girlfriends (lights shine on everyone but Kevin, Kai, Helen, Max, Mom, and Dad) lets see if he can do it and for added flavor (snaps his fingers as a Big Ben falls next to Y/n along with robots) he will be timed for each dish and can only be one tip per round while fighting for his life and before we begin lets hear a word from our sponsors."

And with that the announcer just vanishes as Y/n stares into the void of where ever he was sent wondering if this is what Ben saw as she described what it was like to be in her Alien X form but since that was the one alien Y/n didn't have even with Gwen and Kevin to back it all up Y/n was mostly certain they were just saying this to mess with him for not accompanying them on more missions.

All while possibly killer robots just stare at him with their glowing eyes with no way for him to leave other than to participate in this sick game with only the sound of what maybe a live studio sounds like accompanied by the the hunger bellies and grunts of his entire reason for living.

Looking around there was nothing other than his little island, stove, fridge, and a ton of different cabinets that he could not yet reach or do anything with except for stand onto of the island like he was posing for a thumbnail or something.

Eventually the Announcer finally came back and with a snap of their fingers bleachers appear in the back along side cameras and human cut outs with him flying around the place making it look more like their actually somewhere instead of no where until everything seemed about right as he stood in front of the cameras.

Announcer: "Welcome back and as you all can see Y/n had no time to prepare his dishes must be having a little problem thinking on what to do next and now (snaps fingers) COOK!"

Y/n heard and felt his shackles fall off as the robots started charging at him but that was the least of his problems as his loved ones had been starving for probably an hour or at least a few from the sounds they were making and how skinny they seemed to be.

Using the power of XLR8 Y/n dash's towards the fridge and tears open the doors to save time as he starts getting everything he could that he knew would take the longest to cook and when a robot tried to attack him a blade seemed to come out of no where as that robot just fell apart on the ground with Y/n taking both the head and one the razor blades along with him to help him cook.

Placing the head and the saw together a mix of Goop and Upgrade leave Y/ns hand fusing the two parts together to make a laser saw thing that should hopefully both cut and cook things at the same time making things a lot easier on him for the moment also later.

For some reason probably due to the Announcer but whenever Y/n tries to duplicate himself it doesn't seem to work as he feels like something is forcing the duplicate he made right back inside of him which felt very weird and probably what others felt like when he played with them.

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