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As you Ben and Gwen were listing to Max's exploits from when he was a younger man, he then goes on to state that he thought he destroyed him all those years ago before stating that he was an ordinary man doing his job and at that point both you and Gwen ask him what his job really was.

I was part of a secret organization called "The Plumbers" who swore to stop anything extraordinary, extraterrestrial, something that's out of this world, but due to Vilgax's defeat, there weren't enough serious threats to keep the Plumbers in service on Earth.

And the more Max talks about his past the more and more interested both you and Ben get at both him being a veteran plumber and how awesome his past was to them and after a while of not being able to hold in his excitement ben tries to transform into the alien, he wants but like usual he does not and ends up becoming a different alien.

And after a while both you and Ben start to head out while you grab a hoodie to help hid your identity and you start rushing in while Ben gets everyone's attention as he becomes able to breathe again as Rip Jaws before running in as well to help.

And after a while both you and Ben start to head out while you grab a hoodie to help hid your identity and you start rushing in while Ben gets everyone's attention as he becomes able to breathe again as Rip Jaws before running in as well to help

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(This but however you want it to look like at ten and no watch.)

After a while of searching, you then hear the sounds of laughter and as you get closer you realize that it is just Ben making fun of a short alien and after a while Ben then gets hit and knocked done by the small thing and you help out by trying to restrain the thing for a bit which works out a whole lot better after you infuse some firepower into them.

Then out of nowhere a man in a suit with a rifle comes in and tries to attack both you and Ben before you throw the small alien at him which causes him to crash into and get trapped under a bookshelf and after a while Ben turns back you pull down your hoodie and meet back up with Max as he explains that the guy was his old partner when he was a plumber.

Phil as he is called then walks with you all back to his car while saying how happy he is to see his old partner while you give him suspicious glares the whole time as you have never heard of him and after a while Ben then tries to get into the guys good graces while saying that Rip Jaws was the hero who helped the people while Max then took everyone and left while rejecting his proposal to rejoin the plumbers before Ben could do anything stupid.

And after a while you are hearing Max and Ben have an argument about the Omnitrix while you talk with Gwen about what to do to hide your identity when you go out and try to help out as a hero without having to borrow a hoodie to do so to which Gwen then says that it looked good on you and that even a mysterious stranger in a hoodie could be exiting before a com comes on with Phil requesting help at a meat processing plant.

Making Ben more excited at the idea of bringing back the plumbers on earth and being a hero and after a while you all get to the plant as you all hear growling come from within before meeting up with Phil as they then spot Wildmutts to which Ben then turns into one to try and communicate with as you try and use the senses of them to help you out better in combat (with the only side effect being making you blind).

And after Ben gets attacked by the other Wildmutts Max then stats that Vulpimancers don't cooperate with others, not even with their own kind before you all then run and try to take them down it's not really going well for Ben as he gets pinned down before you go over and help him, but you don't succeed all that well since you are still just a ten-year-old boy.

Phil then comes in and turns off the machine before you and Ben could get turned into minced meat and then Phil then pulls out a device that then causes you and Ben tremendous amounts of pain and the next thing you know Max had gotten them locked up in a meat locker while Ben was taking care of both you and Ben after the whole ordeal was over.

After a while you and everyone else are in Phils hotel room with Ben digging in all the foods he could ever want while Max looked around like a detective at how grand the hotel room was and how much it must have cost and then began to question Phil about the aliens before moving on as him and Phil then leave for a bit while you, Ben and Gwen then run off to chase after them.

When you all finally caught you saw and heard what Phil was planning you then start to chase after Phil with Gwen in your hands like a princess before beating him to where he was going and started to hide to know more about where he was going and what he was planning.

And after a while you both feel the car start to move and Gwen notices the null void projector that Phil had tossed back to where you both were hiding and as Gwen tried to grab it Phil then started to attack her and try to get it back from her while also trying to steer his car before setting it to auto drive.

You then started to attack Phil and tried to get him to release Gwen and the device she had before seeing the Rust Bucket come and because of that second of paying more attention to it then him he managed to get the device back and threw both you and Gwen out of his car while shooting the null void projector at the RV.

And when you all get back you see that Ben as Grey Matter managed to control a beast from the null void while Phil talked about forming a partnership with Ben and when he said no then shot at him while Gwen threw a piece of broken glass at Ben causing him to use it to reflect the beam back at Phil causing him to get sucked into the null void instead.

And after using it to recapture the other aliens Phil had let out you all then put it back where it belonged in Mount Rushmore before then heading back off on their road trip adventure.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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