Ben 4 Good Buddy

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Grandpa Max: "Ahh it's nice being off the highway. Don't you just love the open road."

Gwen: "(Messes with radio) Not when you can't get a radio signal."

Grandpa Max: "Well how about a sing a long (Starts singing coming around the mountain)."

Ben then comes out of the bathroom talking about toilet problems while everyone works together and presses buttons, flip switches, and move things around just to get the bathroom working.

Ben: "This thing can go 300 miles an hour, but it takes at least three people to flush."

Grandpa Max: "Hey our old gal's got character."

Charmcaster: "Is that what they call it."

Y/n: "At least it makes the drive's more interesting."

As Grandpa Max was driving just then another RV sped franticly by and before any of you could say anything a loud man started yelling for the Rustbucket to move out of the way even going so far as calling it a bucket of bolts.

The man then tried to force the Rustbucket off the cliff side without caring about anyone inside or not when he got impatient about the RV not moving and letting him pass; but thankfully Grandpa Max had everything under control and managed to save all of you without anyone having to do anything.

Ben then tried to give them a piece of her mind by going hero but when she did, she became Ripjaws and you were all in a desert, so Ben was pretty much out of luck, but she still wanted to be a hero, so she leaped out of the RV onto once of the wacko's cars.

You on the other hand didn't really care and instead just laid back and started to read a comic sense for the most part there wasn't really anything that you could do and because you felt like everyone had everything under control for the most part already.

Eventually Grandpa Max must have run them off the road or something sense you could no longer hear any of them and because the Rustbucket was slowing down it also didn't help much that Charmcaster kicked you off the bed thing that the RV had.

Charmcaster: "You could have helped."

Y/n: "But I wasn't needed."

Charmcaster: "(Points to Sibella) Even she was more useful than you."

And before you could say anything they all left the RV to go inside the other RV that was the one that had sped pasted the Rustbucket earlier and when you went over to see you saw that Ben was chilling inside a bath inside the nicer looking RV.

Once Ben finally leaves the bath the man gives her a towel and starts bragging about his RV and how it is the best of the best at the time and that it has practically everything anyone could ever want in a road trip van at when they are not going outside at least.

Grandpa Max then tells everyone that it will take some time repairing the Rustbucket while asking the man who said his name was Lawrence Wainright and that his RV had won best in show for many years now.

After awhile the nice RV stopped at a dinner and Ben went to town on grabbing pretty much everything that was even remotely edible in some way or another on his plate while you just grabbed a few things here and there that you knew everyone liked to eat including Sibella.

Waitress: "(Placing down plates) Word around these parts is you took down the Road Crew."

Ben: "The Road Crew?"

Waitress: "Baron Highway, Turbine, Road rage they been terrorizing good folks on these back roads since I had a full set of teeth."

Waitress: "Took my ride years ago been stuck here ever since

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Waitress: "Took my ride years ago been stuck here ever since."

Grandpa Max: "Well just doing our job."

Waitress: "And they'll be out of the job once the new highway opens (points to the road outside) no more sitting ducks for them to pluck off."

As you were all eating with Ben eating everything, she had grabbed the waitress mentions dessert and that they have the best ice cream available and while you could see Ben having trouble you were a okay.

Ben: "How can you eat that much?"

Y/n: "Best guess from all the different alien stomachs I have seem to make it impossible to get full and because I also pace myself."

As Max was working on the Rust Bucket the Road Cew came in and tried to steal the Rust Bucket by straight up strong-arming Max and all of you but as they tried to take off with it Ben turned into Upchuck to try and fight them while you tried your best to get it back.

Turbine: "What are you doing here kid."

Y/n: "Making sure you can't steal this RV or anything else."

Turbine: "And how do you think you could do that."

Y/n: "Simple!"

You then touch the Rustbucket as circuits start appearing all across it and through them crystals start appearing as the punch all of the road crew until you had successfully knocked them out or forced them out.

Waitress: "Well that was mighty kind of ya (looks at Road Crew), but did you have to make them so ugly looking."

Y/n: "I thought they were cleaned up?"

Waitress: "(Rubs glasses) Oh you're right it's just their normal ugly mugs (walks away to continue her work like nothing.)"

Once the Omnitrix recharged Ben became XLR8 and started helping Grandpa Man fix up the Rust Bucket while you were somewhat forced to hang out with Charmcaster, Gwen, and Sibella all the while they kept talking about how you could have done this and that earlier to make sure none of what just happened ever did.

And even though Sibella can't really speak her actions spoke louder than any words when even she refused to sit on or even in your shirt like she normally does when she's not screeching about something.

When they finally finished you guess the Waitress felt kind of bad for you, so she gave you some ice cream both for yourself and for the road and as you started eating a bit of yours the girls confiscated it and put it in the freezer just as both Ben and Max finished the repairs, and you all continued the road trip journey again.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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