Map of Infinity

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As Y/n Enters the Abyss he sees all around him the bodies of his friends all down on the ground passed out or possibly even worse as at center stage there stands a man with long hair, crazy eyes, with a body morphed between many different aliens that somehow managed to connect.

Laying down besides him is a man with mixed colors and patterns like he was spliced together by many different aliens but to a lesser degree than the man that was standing on top above everyone who seemed to have little forked horn things on the top of his head.

The ground then starts to shake violently around them as it was then revealed that they had in fact been standing on the hand of Y/n? But as a giant version of himself who seemed to look very angry and annoyed at what he saw before him as he slowly but surely got ready to throw whatever was in his hand towards the void.

But before any of that happens Y/n wakes up in a cold sweat as what looked to be an upside down pyramid was just floating in front of him before it began falling on the floor right in front of him like it had just run out of energy or completed its mission.

Y/n just barley manages to catch the thing before it hits the ground and probably breaks as it looked like it was either made out of pure glass or pure crystal but there was no real way to know since he didn't really want to risk loosing something mysterious or dangerous.

Grabbing the Pyramid Y/n seems to get dizzy really quickly and has a hard time even standing as he tries his best to place it along with all his other goodies he keeps away from everyone else and barley managed to do so with him just barley making enough noise to upset the twins as they tried to sleep.

And since his friends had left to take down the Aggragor guy this meant that for the most part Y/n had nothing better to do with his life since he couldn't join them on their quest out of fear of leaving behind his younger siblings along with everyone else on earth without a hero.

Y/n Yawns because he knows he has a long day ahead of him making sure that Sibella doesn't try to kill others for showing anything less than worship towards him while also trying to keep him family safe and happy while also doing the same towards his friends and loved ones.

But for some reason he can't seem to fall asleep, with it not really mattering how hard he tries or what he takes he just can't seem to fall asleep with Y/n tossing and turning for what felt like hours and when he looked at the time it was still a little past midnight.

Not really having any sort of idea what to do Y/n grabs one of the mechanic books he had "borrowed" from Kevin a couple of times before since it was a great way to make him sleepy as either Kevin was either a mechanic god or he was smarter than he would have liked others to believe.

Since even Y/n with many of the smartest beings DNA inside of him couldn't understand anything that was said but some high school drop out could?

And as Y/n started to read he also started realizing that the book was just copying the same message and jumble of words that he had read before passing out last time he tried reading one of these books with it starting to repeat after every two pages.

At first he honestly didn't think anything of it other than he was probably starting to get tired making it harder and harder for him to read any more of the book and embarrassingly he only realized something was off when he was near the end of the blasted thing and the final two chapters were the same as those in the beginning!

This along with the fact that there was no way Sibella wouldn't have snuck into his room after what was possibly a few hours of him trying his best to read basically a sleep inducing book and since every time that Sibella was home she would at some point manage to sneak inside his room and start sleeping with him with occasional visits from the twins.

Y/n gets up and out of bed and when he tries to go through his bedroom door its somehow locked from the other side? And when Y/n looks down he clearly sees the locking mechanism on his side with it not seeming to matter at all with anyway he moved the thing as the door was still locked.

And somehow when Y/n looks back behind him his room no longer seemed to even exist same as for his door as he was now inside the weird purple null void again... Wait again? Since when has he ever gone anywhere but a red Null void?

But apparently whatever this space was it didn't want Y/n to have even a moment to think about what the heck was going on around him as nightmare versions of Jetray, Bigchill, and even Stinkfly had all started to appear wanting to kill Y/n.

What was even stranger though was the fact that none of his abilities to mess with his DNA and use the DNA of other aliens was working and for the first time since he was a kid did he ever feel truly human once again.

And to be honest he'd much rather be some alien obsessed weirdo that everyone thought he was instead of being a normal man because Y/n has long since made his peace with his life and has found a balance that works for him between both sides of his life... well as much as once could anyway.

Speeding his way through the broken lands, far and wide Y/n jumps towards his destiny as he tries his best to not get hit at all because Oh My God that would probably hurt so freaking bad and theirs no way of knowing what might happen or if this is even reality at all.

Y/n eventually runs out of running room as all the creatures surround him from every angle and not really wanting to give them the satisfaction of quite possibly killing them Y/n turns around, lets his arms grow out into a T shape and then falls off the floating rock towards the dark void that was below him.

As this happens Y/n starts thinking back to everything that has happened to him before and realizes something about himself.

Y/n: "Man, I've been a bad friend sometimes but holy mother of God could I have been a better lover to everyone I cared about."

And with no warning or even a good build up Y/n falls straight onto the ground falling into it quite a bit as a hole was formed in his shape as part of the ground... but the weird thing was it sounded a lot like him hitting something cloud like?

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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